A Dab of Color

La place du Tertre



Painting Paris. Painting France. The vivid colors of day to day life mixed in with the fantasy and history. The stuff of dreams: Golden baguette, blue shutter, red checked cloth, a dab of red wine, a splash of the Mediterranean and a touch of Marie-Antoinette.


The ever changing scene caught with a paint brush.







Where does your paint brush take you? Where do the colors blend in, or do they fade away, add texture, give highlight? Does the line between dream and daily life blend? Or does it bring contrast?


Is life pale blue, with hints of green shoots?

Yesterday mine was grey with lightening.





What would you add to your canvas?






Different scenes,

Old facade,

Open door,

New path,

Romance at twilight,



Soft shades of mystery?






What kind of artist are you?

Do you sketch details out in your mind first? Or do you get in and get your hands dirty?

I tend to stare at the paper for a long time…blank allows pregnant thoughts to emerge, or if truth be told:

Last minute is my best friend for motivation.







I find it intriguing how something can brew within without knowing, without direction, or plan. How the unconscious mingles with reality, sparks dreams, tugs at one's desire then seemingly effortless, as a whim, it appears and the scene is made whole.



La place du Tertre



Colorful life.

Is the daily canvas lick-able, nourishing to your soul?





In some way isn't it that ideas, thoughts, even friend's and warrior's messages stack up in the back of our closet, such as clothes we hope to wear one day. I wonder what color they would create, if I didn't clean them out from time to time.








Each moment creates a scene,

even if brief,

a history in a second,

a dab of color,

is a dab of color,

striking or subtle,

each stroke leads to another,

to paint a picture.







Wine, the back side of a canvas

and two boys in long aprons talk about the meaning of life.



La place du Tertre



A dab of




two empty glasses.







Memories, moments, blending that is how it is, isn't it?




Waiting for someone to come, sit down, make the scene complete.



What color are you today?




10 responses to “A Dab of Color”

  1. It was fun to see these pictures of all the different kinds of art. And mediums. They all enlarged. The guy with the bamboo quill and ink looks interesting, as do some of the oil paintings.

  2. Our French Oasis

    Oh how I wish I could paint, the artistic gene sadly by passed me altogether, instead my children have it! Instead I have to try and paint pictures with words and photos, but in my mind there is little better than a stunning piece of art. These paintings all remind me so much of those my late mother in law painted, she lived in Provence and exhibited there and in London and Paris, so much talent, I do admire anyone who can pick up a brush and create.

  3. In May I shall be flying to Paris to attend a 7 day painting workshop in Monet’s gardens. I can barely stand it, I am so excited! Loved seeing all the paintings in this post. I have two large paintings hanging in my breakfast room that I purchased from a female artist in Montmartre on my first trip to Paris in 2000. Little did I know I would return to paint one day – one of those little wishes tucked away in your heart, perhaps.

  4. Taste of France

    Today is gray, with clouds and too much rain, not to mention the still-deep chasm of missing my mother on a special day for her. She was a painter, too. A good one.

  5. My world is filled with tall green fir trees…bits of white snow sheltered among rocks that are covered with emerald moss. A few snow drops and daffodils to show the way to spring….

  6. On my canvas I would of painted the missing “I” in Patisserie. Non?

  7. I smiled when I noticed your name on the yellow umbrella, Corey.
    You are an artist with words. Your posts bring a bright spot of color into each day.

  8. Loretta Marvel

    Thank you for sharing the en plain air of France! I loved seeing them. A very happy Valentine’s Day to you and your lovely family!

  9. Lovely paintings, but the touch of the wine and glasses in the back made complete. Oh to be made whole each day with a splash of red to add to my palette of grey and black.
    I haven’t painted for a long, long time, but have been sketching this week. The subject is Shakespeare and Co. bookstore. I want to share it on my blog, but didn’t have a photograph; so out have come the pencil, pen, and watercolors. I imagine there will be a splash of red there too.

  10. This is the second reference today to color in life. “Is your life colorful?” One person said it takes courage for her to wear color as she wears mostly black & white. Me too. Is my life black & white? Someone else said our emotions color our world, whatever we feel like on a day, whatever we feel like wearing that day, whatever we wear to make us feel differently. I ask myself, “What makes my life colorful?” I’m thinking . . . flowers, paintings, summer vegetables, nail polish, fruit, photos, movies, my granddaughters beautiful blue eyes and her brother’s big brown eyes and the kantha quilt on my bed. So I get color in my life without having to wear it on my back. Happy Valentines Day!

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