
   On her way


Just wanted to share another look at my daughter.

Chelsea will journal her experience, and once she has a blog up I will post it here.

Thanks for sending her your good wishes, energy, prayers, thoughts and love.




12 responses to “Chelsea”

  1. Jacklynn Lantry

    Safe travels Chels! C, I sense a trip to India for you and FH:)!

  2. Boa viagem, Chelsea! I second Jacklynn’s hope that Corey, Yann, Sacha and Mr. Espresso might all make the trip to see her in Bangladesh.

  3. I have so much admiration for your children and the paths they have chosen. Praying for traveling mercies and His continuing watchcare over Chelsea. Looking forward to reading her blog once established.
    The apples don’t fall far from the tree…you and Yann have parented well.

  4. Diogenes

    Looking forward to reading these upcoming posts. 😉

  5. Safe travels Chelsea! I hope you have an amazing time!

  6. Leslie in Oregon

    Bon voyage, Chelsea!!

  7. Lana Kloch

    sending hopes for great experiences .. safe travels chelsea.. you are extraordinary..

  8. Teresa Young

    Safe Travels & a Wonderful Life Experience for Chelsea…We look forward to follwoing her journey.

  9. charland

    Safe, wonderful journey to Chelsea. What an experience for her.

  10. Thank you in advance for your words and thoughts of another culture Chelsea. Safe travels….

  11. Our French Oasis

    She is such a beautiful girl, hope she has a fabulous time and I am so looking forward to reading all about it. x

  12. How wonderful and enriched the lives of our children. They are truly blessed and so are we as their parents.
    Love and good luck.
    Save travels
    Love Jeanne

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