Imagine that, finding a piece of paper dated 1571. 

A simply delicate piece of paper.

How much paper is thrown away each day?

This piece of paper was in a box with other old letters and things, it wasn't even tucked away safely. The handwriting is in old French.


What happened back then?





10 responses to “1571”

  1. Amazing! Any idea what it says?

  2. Amazing. …Is that Italian?

  3. Sorry. I see that you said it was old French. Some of the words looked Italianish.

  4. Wow! That is amazing!

  5. How wonderfully amazing! Thank you.

  6. Diogenes

    Ah, that was the year I was born. At least it seems that way sometimes.
    Beautiful handwriting. Like calligraphy.

  7. Taste of France

    In those days, paper was made by hand, using linen or cotton. Of course it was meant to last. It also was far too costly for most people to ever see, let alone use.

  8. Jacklynn Lantry

    Can you tell us what it says? I found a folio of collected family documents and papers from the 1700’s (some signed by Sam Adams) before we were the USA, that to me is so old. Imagine…1500’s! It is magical, sort of takes one’s breath away.

  9. So beautiful, it would be lovely framed in Cassis.

  10. charland

    I bet you got goose bumps just looking at it. And to hold history in your hands. Ah, wonderful!

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