Chelsea is in Bangladesh




Chelsea is in Bangladesh, she sent us this photo of her room, and her new clothes, on the clothes rack you can see a few more ensembles. In Bangladesh it is advise to cover up. One of the first things Chelsea knew she would do, was to go buy appropriate clothing.

If you would like to follow her journey she will attempt a blog:

Bengali Notes


When you open Chelsea's blog you have to click and scroll to read the full content.

Chelsea wrote she is excited, but, a tad overwhelmed. I hope you will follow and encourage her.





17 responses to “Chelsea is in Bangladesh”

  1. Diogenes

    What a great adventure. Travel is the best education and experience. Though I know Chelsea is already very accomplished.

  2. Thank you Corey. I’ll enjoy armchair adventuring with Chelsea.
    I’ve watched the videos she linked to about Grameen Danone and I’m going to propose to my son who is a junior in college that perhaps instead of continuing on to grad school, he might take some time to volunteer like Chelsea, and see some of the world outside the Bay Area. Might have a mighty impact on his outlook and goals.
    Also, Chelsea writes English as though she grew up in the U.S. Good for her and for you for teaching her English so well!

  3. Also, I wish we in the west wore clothes just like those Chelsea has on in the photo. They look so comfortable!

  4. What a wonderful adventure for Chelsea. I am so glad she is having this experience while she is young.

  5. Chelsea’s new wardrobe, notwithstanding its modesty, looks très chic!

  6. I left her a comment and hope she has the opportunity to post frequently-as I said to her I admire her-leaving a comfort zone and undertaking this-admiration

  7. Cousin Linda

    I’m officially following Chelsea’s blog and sent her a note. Such a stellar young lady. You done good, Corey.

  8. RebeccaNYC

    ooo…can’t wait to read about all her adventures! Loved her list of what she knows about Bangladesh….Monica Yunes, daughter of Muhammad Yunus (#6 on Chelsea’s list), often sings at the Met! small world…

  9. Thank you for sharing…

  10. Evelyn Jackson

    How exciting for Chelsea! I’m following her blog to share in her adventures.

  11. Brave girl X

  12. Leslie in Oregon

    Are you planning on visiting Chelsea in Dakka, Corey? Bangladesh is one of the few countries I have not visited, and I’m very interested in what Chelsea will have to say about living and working there. I am very familiar with the clothing that Chelsea is wearing in the above photograph, as I often wear variations of the same thing. It will be interesting to see how Chelsea deals with living in the high humidity and heat in Dakka, particularly when she is wearing long-sleeved, full-length clothing. That has become an issue for me when I’ve spent time in S.E. Asia or on the Subcontinent, but Chelsea may adjust to it quickly at her age. I’m so glad that she is such an explorer, Leslie

  13. .. très belle vêtements pour une jeune jolie femme!
    je lui souhaite un sèjour interessant et des rencontres bienveillantes! je vais biensûr visiter son blog;-)
    amicalement Tina. Et: Joyeuse Paques d´autriche!

  14. I’m so excited for Chelsea! Goodness, how adventurous- you’ve set a good example, Corey. I’ve signed up for her blog & can’t wait for her updates. I think I missed something- how did all of this come about?

  15. Wow! What a formidable daughter you have! I am in the proud mama club too.
    I signed up to follow Chelsea’s blog and looked up Grameen Danone.
    There is hope for our world!!

  16. charland

    She will learn so much on this adventure. Sending her love and light and safe keeping.

  17. Thank you so much for sharing the link!

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