Easter Monday Lunch after the Brocante

Lunch in Provence, easter, Brocante



After the brocante in Beausset today, which is always plentiful, we stuffed the car silly with all our finds. I had to remind French Husband that I needed a place to sit in the car too. We came home and had lunch. Easter Monday lunch, yes in France Easter Monday is a big day.

Baby zucchini, or courgettes in French, in their barely green coats.  

Our lunch was in the late afternoon.




Easter, Provence, Brocante, lunch




The iron cutting tool I found recently at a brocante, easy to find as they are plentiful, but this one was special with its decorative narrow blade. It is showing off in this photo, as I did not use it to cut the courgettes. Cheeky photographer.





Brocante, provence, easter, lunch




Black currants from Sicily, as Sacha wasn't here today, they went into the lunch divine. Sacha dislikes currants and spinach, I cannot grasp why? Anchovies I can understand the dislike, oysters too, but sweet little currants? Presto, a spoon full of goodness came for lunch.


In the background Provencal water jugs stand by, longing to be useful… I had to remind them that their charm is my delight, beauty is useful.




Brocante, provence, easter, lunch



Five baby courgettes in barely there green coats,

Sauteed lightly with green onions, powdered here and there with curry and salt, with drops of olive oil.

Coconut milk,

Almond butter (thanks to Wanda who brought it from the States for me), and currants.

 When the sauce is silky smooth it is ready to serve.






Brocante, provence, easter, lunch


Brocante, provence, easter, lunch




French Husband makes the best rice, even though my Dad was a rice farmer.

I cannot deny that he is better at it than me. He has his classic method which I cannot exactly figure out.

Because a pan, boiling water and rice does not always equal perfectly cooked rice, but that is his secret.


Garbanzo beans would have been good, but after a full morning brocanting, I forgot to add them.







Happy Easter Monday lunch after the brocante.

A nap followed under the glorious late afternoon sun.




19 responses to “Easter Monday Lunch after the Brocante”

  1. Jacklynn Lantry

    Happy Easter, happy spring, happy happy everything…

  2. Oh a nap after a delicious Easter Monday meal, how wonderful!

  3. My dad loved almond butter from Trader Joe’s, and would pair it with my homemade black raspberry jelly on sandwiches. (He was so happy when a TJ’s opened a few miles from him, because before that he’d had to drive ca. 30 miles round-trip for almond butter).

  4. Corey – I’ve missed your blog posts! It’s been a few years out of the loop. You are a fortunate woman to have a man who has a way with rice! Happy Easter Monday!!
    Suz at madeforjoy.wordpress.com

  5. Cheri Hansen

    What a lovely way to celebrate the Easter holiday. Very inspiring. My best to you and family in this coming year… Cheri ( P. S. Love the green pottery. Is any of it available for sale? )

  6. Going to make that for supper later in the week. I will add the beans maybe a few garlic cloves. Yummy!!

  7. Taste of France

    One of the first French meals I had was at the French restaurant (there was only one and it was fancy) in my hometown. I remember distinctly the courgettes, cut into matchsticks and lightly sautéed in butter. So simple, but so, so delicious.

  8. Tongue in Cheek

    Yes it is Cheri.

  9. Barbara G

    Time to put a cookbook together, Corey – share your passion and your expertise in this area as well! It would be a really good thing to put into the world, and help so many people to make their lives fuller.

  10. Liana Munden

    Beautiful! Looks very delicious, thanks for sharing recipe. Can’t wait to try it.

  11. I love all of your postings.
    I am so glad you had such a lovely Easter weekend.
    Your meals always make me so hungry.
    I leave smiling always
    Love and hugs

  12. KAMFreeman

    Another wonderful recipe to try with the courgettes at the Saturday market…small, just beginning to grow this season.
    A wonderful recipe to use on Earth Day this year.
    Beautiful photos and the rice looks perfection …

  13. Cheri Hansen

    Thank you for the reply.. Please let me know which ones. I believe you have my email address ” IF ” you do not want to put the green pottery in the brocante. Hope to hear from you soon. Cheri

  14. Leslie Anne Lord

    Looks amazing Corey!
    I love all those ingredients and a subtle coconut curry sounds perfect.
    Hope you had a wonderful Easter.

  15. Stubblejumpers Café

    My rice “secret” is to sauté it in a tablespoon of oil before adding the water. Seems to add flavour. Though I’ve never tried it with white rice, only brown or wild. – Kate

  16. oh ah! comme c´est delicieux! je peut même sentir les parfums de ce plat …hmmm;-)

  17. Heaven

  18. Sharon Morrison

    OHHH you fix the most beautiful food. I am going to try that recipe. Looks delicious.

  19. Valerie McGaha

    It is a gigantic cupcake holder…

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