The wonders of blogging still amazes me. How many incredibly wonderful people have I met over the years? More than I can count. Each time I meet someone who has read my blog I feel we have known each other for years. There is an invisible bond, a kindred spirit, an instant connection that goes beyond the physical world. It is hard to explain unless you have experienced it. But once you have there is no denying the power and friendship felt.
Today Lizzie, Dixie, Kim and Linda joined Ruth and I to explore and experience the Provence we love and know intimately. As soon as we met we were talking like we had known each other for years. An instant click. A sense that the week will fly by with just a peek of the iceberg seen, yet miles of wonder and awe taken in. Even the rain could not stop the sunshine of happy days ahead.
More photos, to come, but unfortunately, the storm has caused havoc to our internet connection. I will post photos through out the days ahead.
Thank you for being part of this blog community.
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