In the Heart of Provence

The French Muse



Up the hillside in Lacoste, overlooking Bonnieux. We walked up the un-manicured trail to our friend's home for a private garden brocante. We felt we were on a movie set, as every little detail was flawless.






Poppies in Provence



The poppies are popping, red burst of wonder,

lining the trail into the garden brocante.




Irises in Provence





Luberon in Provence




THe French Muse




In the heart of Provence





Living in Provence





In the heart of Provence


12 responses to “In the Heart of Provence”

  1. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    How very glorious, all those various flowers. Keep having fun!

  2. Marilyn

    Perfectly wonderful! How I wish I could come running over there right this very moment.

  3. Kathie B

    Yes, the flowers!

  4. Our French Oasis

    So absolutely gorgeous, don’t you just love this time of year, the scents, the colours, the feel of the warm sun. Have a lovely long weekend and fingers crossed everyone see sense today. X

  5. Kelly Foth


  6. Teresa Cesario

    Oh Corey, so enjoyed your photos this morning. All that Heaven will allow on earth, you’re walking through. So gorgeous. Thank you!

  7. I’ve been to Bonnieux but not with you and my girlfriend s❣️On my list.

  8. KAMFreeman

    Beautiful morning walk with you …oh the beautiful flowers! Only bulbs up here, leaves and blossoms on bushes a trees ready to burst forth any day now. Thank you for sharing this wonderful Muse adventures with us all around the globe…a dream adventure, for certain.

  9. charland

    Aaah, the poppies, those lovely red, red poppies. Delight the eyes and fill one with happiness.

  10. Marilyn

    Stunning! My friend Ann and I treasure our stay in tiny Baumettes two years ago – and our day trip to Lacoste with its spectacular views over Bonneiux! Thank you for sharing your beautiful pics. ❤️

  11. LeighNZ

    Beautiful! X

  12. Jean Zimmer

    What is that dear little building behind the roses with the arch and cross on top? I am dying of curiosity, please tell me!

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