What a Day Brings

living in france, cassis, rain in Provence



Grey was the sky drizzling the day long, it suited my mood. The day after any lovely time spent away from the normal routine is a bit of a let down, and more often than not it calls for a rest. The Muse ended and the skies were grey, fitting after saying goodbye to four lovely new friends. I imagine for them it is quite the same feeling, especially adding the surreal-ness of flying.





The French Muse,


Lizzie who was on the French Muse with us, sent this photo of Ruth and me.

As you can see I have a pot on that beautiful table, next time I gotta remember to take 

a soup tureen. I made a mango curry coconut vegetable soup.





roses from the garden,



The sail boat



French Husband went sailing today on a very ruffled sea, (photos on FB) while I stayed home admiring the calm, silent energy that a being home alone can allow. When French Husband sent me photos I was SO GLAD I wasn't on that sailboat! Eight hours of rock and roll, plus rain… Though the sea's wild dance reminded me of Westport which made me smile.

The roses in our garden reminded me of cotton candy, they were a delightful surprise after being away these last nine days. Our other roses are out of reach to cut and bring inside, but these are at arm's length, yet I felt guilty cutting them.




gnocchi with truffles and peas



Later this evening French Husband came home exhausted, though happy, blindly ate dinner and went to bed. Happy is his soul. Sacha came home after working on a film in Bordeaux, I was thrilled to see him and hear his tales. Between sleepy French Husband and talkative Sacha, I managed a souvenir (a photo of gnocchi with truffles, cream and peas) which is a miracle in itself considering how fast they were devoured by those two guys of mine.






Chelsea is enjoying her work with Danone in Bangladesh. Please go over to her blog and take a look. Chelsea posts weekly and the photos are vastly different than our daily life. 

Bengali Notes







 The ex-owners of the fisherman's house gave us this photo of their family standing in front of our place.

There was a tree? Their grandparents had a

grocery store where Chez Gilbert's restaurant is now. Where they are standing is now a covered terrace

for dining. 








The landscape where we live.





15 responses to “What a Day Brings”

  1. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    I like the relaxed rambling from topic to topic here.
    Got very hungry for gnocchi and peas at that food photo.
    And the mother in that old photo is very stylish — of course. And guesstimate as to when it was taken?

  2. Jacklynn Lantry

    Love your updates, all such interesting stuff. You must be exhausted. Take a long nap honey:)

  3. Kathie B

    …and enjoy a little of your favorite wine and cheese 😉

  4. Marilyn

    Wonderful review to remember of your week this week. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  5. Hugs. Thanks for always sharing your heart.

  6. Taste of France

    We have visitors coming next week and it is always the same after. A big, echo-y emptiness.

  7. Our French Oasis

    Enjoy the peace and calm because I am sure it will be super busy again before you can blink! Great photos, great life! X

  8. How wonderful to have the picture of the early days of your Cassis home. It tells part of the story of the house and now you are writing more of the same story.

  9. KAMFreeman

    What a lovely collage of intertwining places, people and thoughts…surely a time to sleep and dream and rest after a whirlwind week of such adventure..and I shall make an effort today to make that most delicious gnocchi dish for supper.

  10. LeighNZ

    What a lovely contented post Corey, I do hope that you’ll share that lovely recipe of gnocchi with truffles cream and peas it looks so yummy.

  11. Beverly

    A lovely post. Transports me to another world for my personal restoration… I love it. Thank you Corey.

  12. charland

    Love the photo of you and Ruth!

  13. What a peaceful blog post… at home, family, cooking, relaxing…

  14. Oh I love that old Cassis photo – what a treasure for you!
    And the soup sounds fabulous – want to share the recipe?
    Thanks for yet another inspiringly beautiful post-

  15. … je suis si reconnaissante pour tous ce que tu partage avec nous, Corey! bien des choses de ma part, Tina.

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