Roses Outside my Kitchen Window





Oh May! When the garden comes alive, when the roses one by one bloom, full, lush and scent the air with perfume. This rose bush makes me so happy. 




Love's reflection



Love's reflection.







So heavy the roses that they bend their heads.









Rose petals are love notes from the other side.








Petal by petal.

Word for word… Love.




prince charming



A pink Prince Charming.





Lovely graceful beauty roses,

Thank you for blooming year after year outside my kitchen window.




8 responses to “Roses Outside my Kitchen Window”

  1. Marilyn

    They are gorgeous roses! How I would love them outside my kitchen window.

  2. Diogenes

    Lovely flowers! Were they there or did you put them in?

  3. Sue Tinker

    Somehow I got behind on reading your blog, Corey. Just spent about 45 happy minutes taking in your goreuos photos and wonderful stories. thanks, I needed that.

  4. Sue Tinker

    I mean Gorgeous.

  5. chelsea

    So beautiful… I can almost smell them 🙂
    I <3 spring

  6. How blessed are you to have that view? 🌹

  7. Beautiful! Do you know what type/name of rose?

  8. … ohhh ahhh…. je suis en amour avec des roses….
    salutations parfumées…. Tina 😉

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