Brocante Apron No Need for a Bikini


Corey Amaro, Brocante, living in franc



The door, the stone steps, the ivy-covered house seemed to call out for a photo. Since two seconds earlier I had bought an indigo apron for a Euro at the brocante, it seemed fitting.



Corey Amaro, Brocante, living in franc



I suppose I could have tied the apron tighter.

Several people at the brocante commented favourably on my apron.

Conversations stemmed from that, and that was agreeable. Nobody asked me if I wanted to do the dishes. Though I found out it is a gardener's apron.





Corey Amaro, Brocante, living in franc

Looking at these photos that Yann took I can see that the apron is not flattering, but if I was into flattering I would drop twenty pounds, use botox and wear a bikini.

Bikini Botox Brocante would be the title of my blog, or short: BB's Brocante.


Recently, I got new sunglasses. The salesperson suggested I go with smaller frames, in which I replied, "If only you had larger ones." He laughed, then went and found larger ones.



brocante garden



Happy indigo garden brocante apron.


11 responses to “Brocante Apron No Need for a Bikini”

  1. Diogenes

    Love the ivy covered walls and the door. If those are your new sunglasses, I like them!

  2. Kathie B

    Oh my, Corey, if I’d only known, I’d have saved one of my dad’s blue denim toolmaker aprons for you! They looked a lot like this (except my mother bought his at Penney’s, IIRC):{Null}&gclid=CIbbxOOr89MCFZSFswod8ScCnw
    When I was little, before we had a wash machine, she’d wash his work clothes (and the rest of the laundry) each Monday by hand in our double washtubs, and I’d get to crank the handle on the wringer that was mounted atop the divider between the tubs. It was so much fun to see the water get squeezed out of the items!

  3. RebeccaNYC

    LOVE LOVE LOVE Aprons!! I always pack one when I travel, and I wear one at home almost all the time. Yours is wonderful!!!

  4. Diane Belforte Lewis

    I think it looks really cute on you!

  5. Our French Oasis

    Love the apron and adore the photos, you look gorgeous. Love the three b’s, Bikini, Botox, Brocante, I wonder how many comments you would get, the mind boggles at the thought of the photos!!!

  6. Taste of France

    An apron especially for gardening. Who knew?
    The principal at the village elementary school used to wear a blue work coat during class. Old school. Literally.

  7. Bodacious Brocanteur!!!! Love the pics!

  8. KAMFreeman

    Wonderful, simply fantastic photos. Yann did a great job showing his delightful wife outfitted in great sunglasses and the apron is the best…I love to wear an apron with pockets when I garden…never know when there is a seed pod to save or some newly ripened vegetable or fruit to tuck in for later. Pulling weeds it keeps my little special tools at hand. Glad you only play with the BB’s idea….although a bikini could be fun.

  9. You are perfect just as you are. I have a blue linen apron which will be worn proudly…
    Bodacious Brocanteur – yup that’s you….

  10. And I think you look simply divine! In fact, when I first saw the photo, my mind went…why can’t I be like Corey with her total individuality…under top, long over top and pants…brilliant! And then I read the words. Still think you look divine. Love the glasses also.

  11. lizzieB

    ALL APRONS ALL THE TIME DEAR COREY! we are a coven. this is our tribal wear. flattering is not our goal. lovelovelove

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