Graduation… This is what I came for



The main reason I came home was because of my nieces' and nephew's graduations. Family comes first. Such a good opportunity to share joyous moments together.


Marie and Gina graduation from high school. 





A rite of passage, a mark of time.

A celebration of a chapter ending, and a new one beginning.

Little birds flying from the nest.

For my brother Mathew and sister-in-law Shelley, it is their youngest leaving home, the empty nest is theirs. For my brother Mark and my sister-in-law Diane it is their oldest and first child leaving the nest. 







My mom with Marie.







The happy two, they walked in together at their ceremony.








Also, my niece Molly graduated from the eighth grade. 






During Molly's graduation it was fifty degrees cold, and if that wasn't enough it rained. As the ceremony was outside, and the weather was unexpected, I gave Molly my jacket. Hence, the rolled up sleeve.




There is one more graduation, Sam's. He graduates from university you might recall when he and Sacha graduated together years ago from high school. To see their photos click here.








9 responses to “Graduation… This is what I came for”

  1. Lora gohn

    Lovely girls!

  2. Kathie B

    Congratulations to all the grads (and their parents)! Obviously Molly will be going on to high school, but what the others’ plans? What was Sam’s major? Have Marie and Gina chosen theirs? (Full disclosure: it took me two years to figure out mine). Inquiring minds want to know.
    The great thing about education is that other people can’t take it away from its owner 🙂

  3. Oh my gosh….such a happy time of new beginnings for the Amaro families-seems like just yesterday Sacha was doing his senior year American style-WOW-TRULY A BLINK OF THE EYE-

  4. Diogenes

    Thank you for sharing these pictures Corey. Congratulations to all of them! The girls are so lovely.
    I had forgotten that Sacha took a gap year, so I enjoyed re-reading that post too.

  5. Marilyn

    I bet they were thrilled that you came so far for their graduations. Such wonderful memories and family time of celebration.

  6. Leslie in Oregon

    Congratulations to all the graduates and to their/your family!

  7. Anne Jeffries

    Such wonderful times to celebrate and remember. We are very far away now, Corey. If you are ever near SE Missouri.

  8. Lovely photos! Congratulations to all the graduates!

  9. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Fun to see all these favorites of yours grown up more. And I enjoyed leaping to the past via the link you included of Sacha’s Very Purple graduation. (Happy birthday, btw, Sacha!)

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