The artistic way of living.
Flowers from the garden in an enamelware pitcher.
My mother is a natural at creating beauty, making art out of the everyday.
Celebrating whatever comes her way, morning, noon and night.
Today's artistic touch was going to adorn a table at the blood bank, "…just to greet the donors." my Mom said, "Oh by the way, can you take it to the blood bank hall for me? And be sure to put a cloth underneath it to look pretty."
My Mom is generous with her creativity and artful expression, I have known people to bring their packages over for my Mother to wrap for special occasions.
With a carefree touch, a flower here, a ribbon there,
My Mother weave's her love without fanfare, without drawing attention back to herself. She is a do-er, a giver, someone who works behind the scene. If someone offers to help her they will often tease that my mother expects perfection. My Mother doesn't do anything unless it is done with grace, nothing "half-ass" as I have heard her say. It doesn't matter the event, big or small, no matter what she does she does it whole heartily, and she rarely says no.
My Mother's home is a haven, simply cosy, rustic charm, where no corner is left untouched.
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