Artichoke and Onion Blossoms

artichoke and onion blooms

 Artichoke and onion blossoms.


Sturdy stems holding structurally incredible pieces of nature. Artful display in heat ranging in the 100s these summer days. Powerful grace speaks. I stand in awe in my cousin's garden. 




artichoke and onion blooms




My back home days are counting towards the end, pulling on my heartstrings, the vulnerable edge is approaching. I would think after thirty years of this it would be easier to manoeuvre, but no. The feelings of sadness come tapping on my heart's door: Will I see you again? What was I thinking? Mixed with happiness to be going home and being in that cozy corner of Yann's arms.





 onion bloom



Bloom where are you are planted comes to mind.

Uprooted does too.

Sturdy stalk, strong bloom, deeply connected to the moment at hand.

Coming to visit "back home" reminds me of the other life that runs through my veins that made me who I am. If only this, If only that, if only it wasn't so far, if only…

Thankful for the seasons that bring renewal.

As I have said numerous times before,

"When you are an expat you are always missing someone or something."




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The reality of living abroad is sharing and collecting from both worlds and making it one.




artichoke bloom



My cousin Johnny's artichoke and onion garden. My cousin takes the artichokes cuts off the outside leaves, stem and then cuts the top part off. Then melts butter, adds chopped garlic, parmesan and parsley on the top, wraps them in foil and bakes them for about an hour.


Later in the evening my cousin cut a bouquet of overgrown purple top artichokes for me to take back to my mom's.



onion bloom seeds to follow




He added onion blooms too.

Two beauties in one vase.




artichoke and onion blooms




artichoke and onion blooms



The end of the season, the artichokes and onions bloom and turn into seed.

Collected, scattered, toiled underground or left alone nature unfolds and becomes again and again.


11 responses to “Artichoke and Onion Blossoms”

  1. Diogenes

    Artichoke blue should be its own color, it’s remarkable. I honestly didn’t know that onions flower. They look like alium we see in landscapes here.

  2. Linda a.

    My heart aches for you and your mother.
    Would it be possible for you and Yann to make plans to
    come and stay a month at a time? At this stage in your mom’s life
    it could be so rewarding. Of course, I’m sure you have thought all
    of this through before.
    Enjoy every minute ! XO

  3. Kathie B

    Someone needs to drag your mother to France for a visit!

  4. Shelley Noble

    Corey, you are one of the finest Priests I can imagine. Your sermons, like this one, are not only poetic, relatable, relevant, and applicable, they speak of the deepest wisdom in your lovely heart.
    Every line, and especially this one, “The reality of living abroad is sharing and collecting from both worlds and making it one.” are filled with Wisdom’s Grace.
    So thankful for you.

  5. Jacklynn Lantry

    They are spectacular looking. What a rich family life you have, on both sides of the ocean. I laughed out loud when I saw Shelley Noble’s post! Corey, do you remember me saying you were a priest:)

  6. I am fortunate to be able to come a month or two each year. And still it is hard to leave. I have visited my family nearly every year over the last thirty years

  7. I wish

  8. Kristin

    Thank you Corey the sage….your words are like going to early morning mass, and then walking through a lovely garden of visions holding tightly to the words.
    How fortunate you are to travel back home to see family nearly every year and renew the spaces where memories are tucked away…stirring again the scents and sounds of all your years living in Willows to tuck into your pockets and carry back home to your life with Yann. What a treasure it is for me to partake in your stories each morning…thank you.

  9. This is so beautiful…I have never seen these blooms before-spectacular!!

  10. Marilyn

    Beautiful! And I wondered that your mom not go back with you for awhile. Sending hugs!

  11. …tes mots,…quel poésie… plein de sagesse.
    et ce bleu, c´est mon bleu! splendide, me fait penser á Yves Klein, en quelque facon ….
    salutations parfumées et à très bientôt Corey;-)

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