The Pig Costume

Brother Sister fun


Sacha's selfie in his pig costume, teasing Chelsea.



Brother Sister fun



Sacha and Chelsea have been Chez Nous for the last week, a holiday at home. I have enjoyed every minute and am thinking of kidnapping them back to childhood. Why do children grow-up and leave home? Well, maybe according to these photos I can only say, "Leave home?"




image from



Sacha retrieved his pig costume that he bought when he spent a gap year in California.  He has been pranking us with it ever since.



pig style


Our detox is more about watching Sacha cheat than anything else. Sacha, Yann and Chelsea have lost two or three unnecessary pounds, I have not lost a thing, not a single thing. Of course detox means you need a detox from something. I asked Sacha what we were detoxing from, he shrugged his shoulders, "It is a trendy word that doesn't apply to us, but let's have fun with it."

Some fun. Maybe we should do the opposite and pig out on junk food.

I am sure my weight would have a field day!



PIg fun


Chelsea and I made granola from my cousin Shelley's recipe. Mostly nuts. But while we were at the market to buy the ingredients, Sacha made a pan of pasta and ate it with cream and cheese! He is such a cheater. He even made ice-cream, blueberry, and ate it too, and lost weight. Life is unfair.



brother and sister


After the empty nest, which is a massive adjustment, it dawned on me that the empty nest is three fold:

One, they leave home, leaving use alone back to where we were before children, having to renew and re-find balance in a empty house without the same structures.

Two, the realization that our children most likely are never ever going to live under the same roof with us again.

and three when they do come home it is a mixture of joy, and a hint of sadness cause we know it is temporary. Plus the structure we have redefined for ourselves doesn't apply to them:

Hence, real meals become a trendy detox, with a pig costume.




The other thing that happens when they come home:

Food and toilet paper disappears at an astonishing rate, in all honesty I think this applies only cause of Sacha.

and the washing machine never stops turning, at least they wash their own clothes. 

But, I still want to kidnap them. 



13 responses to “The Pig Costume”

  1. Kathie B

    So, since Sacha brought the costume back from California, pigs really DO fly 😉

  2. Diogenes

    Kathie that is funny! I was wondering how he got the costume back from Willows. It looks pretty big.

  3. Ann of Avondale

    Remember this:
    This little piggy went to market,
    This little piggy stayed home,
    This little piggy had roast beef
    This little piggy had none,
    And this little piggy cried wee wee wee all the way home.
    Your kids are playful even as young adults.


    Love Love Love it is pur Love Corey….
    Tina xxx

  5. Sharon Stokan

    So much fun! A friend recommended your blog to me because I love all things French. Your words really hit my heart: “and three when they do come home it is a mixture of joy, and a hint of sadness cause we know it is temporary.” ❤️

  6. Kristin

    Enjoying our children as they find their wings to fly in their own pathway, never ever replaces those feelings of pure joy when they come home for a visit and stir all those early parenting pleasure and challenges that brought us to tears. It is a kind of a balancing act…new without children experiences and a chance to return to the pleasures for a time.
    The pig is a wonderful, happy family treasure to play with. Sacha does have a great sense of playfulness.

  7. Marilyn

    For sure food and toilet paper disappear. I love the love and humor your family shares together. That pig costume coming out from time to time is hilarious.

  8. Sitting in my San Francisco living room on Sunday morning and literally laughing out loud at that piggie head!!!! Thanks for the smiles !

  9. Hi Corey,
    I feel your pain. Women “of a certain age” are at a disadvantage! I have friends doing Whole30. Way too punitive for me. Check out I think this research started in Europe and makes sense physiologically. The hardest part is giving up sugar and high carb foods. But, hey, you can have meat, cheese, butter, cream, berries and veggies!
    Sounds perfect for France. I think there are vegetarian versions also. I know you are a vegetarian right? Give it a look!
    And your “kids” are so adorable!!! You are blessed!

  10. Anne Jeffries

    Smiling with joy at YOUR joy and glee and motherly exasperation. Reading this also made me so glad we moved and we are now relatively close to both of our children.

  11. Not sure which age is the most fun with the kids….now that they are adults…they are really good friends…..and they still like us.

  12. Crazy with detoxs, All you think about is cheating. Love the family photo + update. xo

  13. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    sweet post

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