Old Bottles with Zinnias

Zinnias in old bottles



Don’t most young people who love antiques start with a bottle collection?

I had a brown bottle when I was thirteen, I have misplaced it over the years, maybe it is in the closet back at my mother’s house. I will have to check to find out. Did you collect antiques when you were younger? The first old thing I ever bought was a blue glass beaded bag and then the same day a brown jar and a hand mirror.



Zinnias in old bottles


Oxidized bottles with zinnias.

 Zinnias remind me of my mom, they were many different crowns, rarely are two alike, they come in various colors, they are beautiful without being fancy.




Zinnias in old bottles



corey amaro photo bottle with flower




old bottles





old bottles



9 responses to “Old Bottles with Zinnias”

  1. Yes! I bought my first two antiques when I was 17. I was really impressed with myself for buying something with money I’d worked for. I bought a small side table and an old five gallon glass jug with a wooden and wire handle. I had it for about 20 years until my husband swung his golf club in the house and caught it on the backswing. NOT sure if I have forgiven him yet. 🙂

  2. Just think, your zinnias evolved from this beautiful waterlily-like flower! “Scientists find the first ever flower, both the father and mother of all those that surround us today”:

  3. I like the oxidation or “frosty” look to the bottles. I wonder how old these are, 19th century or earlier?

  4. Shelley Noble

    Love this photo series. I do the same.

  5. I can relate-my mom had a wall sculpture of the Holy Family for above the door way It hung for years in the upstairs hallway-when the house was painted in 1988 it never made it back(not sure why) when my mom died I found it in her dresser-brought it downstairs to re-hang well my dad was fooling around while he was on the phone and BAM it broke-I get sick to this day when I think about it …should of just left it “hidden”-forgive yeah I guess forgotten NO WAY haha-

  6. The first antique I purchased ( age 10) with money earned strawberry picking was a smallish platter with pink rosebuds on it as a gift for my grandmother. It has sur- vived the test of time and has come back to me. It holds precious memories as well as good food.

  7. Brenda, Walker, LA

    I loved everything old, saw art in throw aways, my dad used to say ” What is it with our daughter, she likes OLD stuff?”

  8. I loved old dolls, old furniture, books, etc. Now, as I prepare to downsize, I have to part with much of it. Life rolls on . . . .

  9. Mary, my grandmother, lived in San Francisco and there was this cool place between the kitchen and the living room – an alcove that was closed off by doors! As a child I thought this was just the best place. There was a window that faced the backyard and my grandmother loved flowers! Living in Forest Hill meant flowers that could withstand little sun. On the window sill she had a collection of bottles. All different sizes, colors. When there was sun, they caught the light. So beautiful!
    Most of the old things I have belonged to family members – my mother’s cedar chest, a chair from my great-grandmother, China from my great-grandmother. Most prized is a yellow mixing bowl which was my great-grandmother’s as I always think of her when I use it!!

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