French Love Letters

French letters, love notes, Corey amaro



The 1900s French letter starts out, Dear Uncle and Aunt…

Love letters such as these are hard to find. They were often on embossed paper with either small stickers or delicate paintings on the side.

Decorative embossed paper was used to express love and devotion to family, parents, husband, wives and relatives during holidays, the first of the year and at celebrations such as marriages.  




French letters, love notes, Corey amaro




French letters, love notes, Corey amaro



At the brocante love letters are hard to find, and that is how it should be, sacredness is kept. When I am fortunate to find such beautiful testimonies of love and devotion I feel some of that good love ripple towards me. Objects have energy don't they?



French letters, love notes, Corey amaro




Napoleon's love letters to Josephine,

"A woman is her lover's home, refuge and retreat. When Adam first saw Eve, he asked who she was. She replied, "I'm your home."



Mitterand's love letters to Anne

Mitterand's book of love letters for Anne, when they met Mitterand was 46 and married, Anne was 19.









French love letters, corey amaro



Did you ever write a love letter to a child, or parent?





French letters, love notes, Corey amaro



French love letters, corey amaro




French love letters, corey amaro



The way of love is a personal story that intertwines one with another, and another and another, taking us to places over yonder, taking us to places deep within ourselves. Loving is a journey rarely taken alone, nor should it be.







French letters, love notes, Corey amaro



A love letter found in a book, used as a book marker? 

A marker of time.

Isn't it best that the things we use daily should be things that remind us of beauty, joy, sharing, life?


A letter, a piece of paper soaked with words, describing feelings from the heart directed to another's heart. Years later, those inked words give way to a love that was.


French love letters, corey amaro






without measure.

Love notes hold various words depending on the depth of the relationship…























French letters, love notes, Corey amaro


Love's Divine by Seal


Then the rainstorm came over me
And I felt my spirit break
I had lost all of my belief, you see
And realized my mistake
But time threw a prayer to me
And all around me became still

I need love, love's divine
Please forgive me, now I see that I've been blind
Give me love, love is what I need to help me know my name

Through the rainstorm came sanctuary
And I felt my spirit fly
I had found all of my reality
I realize what it takes

'Cause I need love, love's divine
Please forgive me, now I see that I've been blind
Give me love, love is what I need to help me know my name

Oh I, don't bend (don't bend), don't break (don't break)
Show me how to live and promise me you won't forsake
'Cause love can help me know my name

Well, I try to say there's nothing wrong
But inside I felt me lying all along
But the message here was plain to see
Believe me

'Cause I need love, love's divine
Please forgive me, now I see that I've been blind
Give me love, love is what I need to help me know my name

Oh I, don't bend (don't bend), don't break (don't break)
Show me how to live and promise me you won't forsake
'Cause love can help me know my name

Love can help me know my name"


9 responses to “French Love Letters”

  1. are you trying to kill me with these beautiful works of art-I was fortunate enough to purchase a group of love letters from a French boy to an American girl he met in France-all in French they were sold in lots of 3 or 5 I forget and the etsy seller did not budge on price– I could not believe she would break them up– 2 or 3 lots got away— I am still sick over it a year and a half later I was going to ask her customers to photocopy them just so I had them – it was QUITE COSTLY but I just couldn’t let them be broken up-I cannot see myself ever getting rid of them-when the time comes I will put them with my own love letters (from a French boy) and send them to the great beyond. I do not want them to end up on someone’s table offered for sale. I own a few of the types of letters pictured above – as well as groups of letters to the same person-a son to his family while he was stationed in Morocco– a teacher in Paris (the arts) from her students with poems some of which get published-oh and so many more-from lovers that the writing stops when they get married-anyway as you know -a sucker for love-and a lover of all things paper-a most deadly combination-yet so delicious.

  2. Ann of Avondale

    The lost art of writing letters and esp to our loved ones.
    I have found a few old letters and came to the conclusion that the letters received are words written so the reader can re-read and hold onto those words throughout a life time. As opposed to today’s world with email, telephones, etc. those words disappear and the grace and beauty disappears except in our memory.
    My mother used to write us a letter almost every week and I’d respond. Then once a week I would call her for a long conversation. I still have some of her letters and cards and her words come through as a kind and loving mother.
    Now I only send cards for birthdays and will include a letter. Then at Christmas I will write a note in all the cards. Anyone else writing letters or sending cards to friends and family?

  3. Beautiful handwriting and stationary. I particularly like the embossed paper. A different time, with attention to detail.

  4. Who needs a history book when we have you? Beautiful.

  5. I write letters-and cards and notes not just for birthday or such just a letter or card to say I am thinking of you I receive very few excluding holidays-I guess everyone is busy but I do still send them ….. and I enjoy doing so.

  6. Parisbreakfast

    I’m in love with the French handwriting..
    A lovely C on Chere ami.

  7. KAMFreeman

    Writing is always important to me; a practiced hand sending words that come from the heart. Dear friends of scores of years continue this practice…treasured relationships. The electronic world cannot replace the feelings that come when we hold in hand the paper and the words.
    Thank you for the beautiful words and photos today…I am holding them now in my hand.


  9. Paula Tyner

    So beautiful. I am in love with the handwriting, the papers, the very idea of loving and putting pen to paper to declare such love. Thank you for capturing these and sharing these. They are treasures of the soul.

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