Lunch in Provence

lunch, Provence, Corey Amaro


Whenever Denise and Vlad are in Provence, which is every summer, we try to spend as much time as we can with one another, 'cause that is what friend's do. Luckily, for us, Denise loves to cook, and she has the right touch of sweet and spicy to match.

The moment we walk into their home we know a feast will be prepared and then a nap will have to follow by the pool. Such a luxury to be spoiled by friends.

The fig leaves became a tablecloth and foliage from their terrace filled an old jam jar, instant decor for the table.




lunch, Provence, Corey Amaro



lunch, Provence, Corey Amaro



lunch, Provence, Corey Amaro


lunch, Provence, Corey Amaro


lunch, Provence, Corey Amaro

lunch, Provence, Corey Amaro


There it is the richness in the everyday lifestyle of Provence.

Field to table freshly picked and served, grapes, figs, almonds, olives… the multitude of cheeses and baguettes with conversation flowing as easily as the wine, arms ready to pat on the back, laughter as music and a generous table that welcomes anyone who pops in. Provence is laid back, with a vast landscape that runs to the sea and let's nout forget that painter's trekked here to capture.

Provence is Denise and Vlad, happy am I when they come to France.




9 responses to “Lunch in Provence”

  1. Taste of France

    Beautiful grapes. The harvest is on here, and I love seeing the plump clusters on the vines everywhere.

  2. Reminds me of the start of the poem “September Morning” by Norberto Ávila, which Emanuel Melo and I translated, about a scene on the island of São Jorge in the Azores. Here’s the relevant portion:
    September passes,
    gliding slowly
    into the summer softness that is near-autumn.
    No longer do the early morning hours surprise me:
    a lighted window and singing birds.
    I gently open the pine tabernacle
    where dense artisanal bread is stored.
    I take a little of it out
    and seek shelter
    under the branches of the leafiest tree:
    the ancestral and faithful fig,
    that seems to bear fruit infinitely.
    Soon a rough stone is transformed into a table;
    soon grape leaves substitute
    as my tablecloth… (pp. 12-13)

  3. Our French Oasis

    Isn’t this just the best thing about summer, sharing it with friends who come to stay, fabulous lazy meals which are oh so simple and yet seem so luxurious. Enjoy x

  4. KAMFreeman

    the lusciousness of summer harvest – shared with friends for an easy, relaxed and filled with laughter and memory making…photos perfect for setting the scene.

  5. Liana Munden

    Glorious! I can almost taste those luscious figs and imagine napping after a delicious meal in that beautiful French countryside!

  6. Those olives, that cheese, that wine…Provence looks like Heaven.

  7. Makes me want to pack my bags!!!!

  8. Vickie H.

    Lovely in every way….and your commentor’s poem she shared is more wonderful than I can find words to express.

  9. I’m vegan, and your photos remind me that it’s cheese I miss, not meat. I am looking at your photos and chastising myself for the years when I’ve had those two big fig trees on our property and never thought of using the leaves as decoration.

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