On My Mind

Corey Amaro Blog, living in France


Sacha's leaving.

My friend Erika's visit.

The French Muse that starts on Tuesday.

Grocery shop tomorrow for the French Muse.

The last details of our renovation and restoration of our home.

Hiccups in my blog that need to be fixed.

A friend's container that I am helping with.

Florida, especially  Ana (blog friend) who is living there.

Your loving encouragement.

Chelsea's wedding.




10 responses to “On My Mind”

  1. From a prayer this morning: “Shape us, day by day, through the cross of Christ your Son, until we pray as continually as we breathe and all our acts are prayer….” May God be gracious to you during this time!

  2. a mixed bag-the separation-the practical-the work(job) the home the joys of the future happiness-like life-a mixed bag-

  3. Ann of Avondale

    We don’t have to remind you to stay busy but to slow down. Any one of these events would be enough by itself but five events running concurrently. Any chance of a Spa Day?

  4. Praying that He will lead you to peace with all that is on your kind. Adding my prayers to your own for those in Florida.

  5. The mostly happy, exciting, busy things will distract you from the bittersweet departure of Sacha. (Bittersweet because they’re supposed to leave the nest and have their independent lives, and his doing that is a sweet victory. But the leaving itself is very bitter indeed.)

  6. Jacklynn Lantry

    I love what Ann of Avondale said! “Stay busy but slow down.” Brilliant. It seems this is stuff of contemporary life. I am selling a house, looking at where I want to live next, helping one child to settle in an apartment and the other to go off to school. Wondering how to dispose of 25 years collected treasures as I go from a 5,000 sq ft place that housed 9 to a much smaller space for 1, maybe 2. Stay busy but slow down…

  7. You have lots on your plate. Remember to breathe.

  8. Judy in Fort Worth

    sounds like FULL PLATE TIME – you can manage it, lady – full confidence!

  9. Alot to ponder. Take care, dear friend!

  10. Teddee Grace

    Keeping busy is the best medicine! Let us know if Sacha arrived safely.

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