Chelsea and Martin

just the two of them


The two of them, they live and work in Paris, sent me a Selfie.

Sweet happiness.



9 responses to “Chelsea and Martin”

  1. So much love in those eyes!

  2. They look perfect together. And happy. 😉

  3. Jacklynn Lantry

    They are adorable:)

  4. Hope they stay forever young and forever in love

  5. Kristin Freeman

    Beautiful photo of two ever so happy and in love young folks. Their lives are filled with such amazing promise.

  6. Ann of Avondale

    He has the French smile and she has the American smile….sweet.

  7. A perfect pair. Tom and I both think Chelsea is part ours after meeting her that one day at the apartment. Isn’t it amazing how such a brief encounter can connect hearts? We just love your Chelsea and are so thrilled that she and Martin are going to get married. Just “tickles me pink” as they say.

  8. How sweet!

  9. Liana Munden

    Beautiful couple!!!

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