Creative Friends



Awhile ago at my favorite place and pastime (all time) in the world, need I say more at the brocante I met an artist and his wife. At the end of the brocante we talked and talked and exchanged numbers. A few months later I went to visit them.

Over time we have visited each other several times and have become friends.

Their home is my dreamboat.

Lovely all around. 

Here is a glimpse into their world.




















At the end of the day, they invited me to come to their art class/group. I told them I have never painted nor drawn in my life. French Husband was jumping up and down like a crazy puppy, "Oh yes Corey is an artist, I think she would be an excellent painter?" Said the man who questions me one hundred times with, "Are you sure about the paint color?" before I paint anything in the house. I looked at him as if had lost his mind or was trying to score points. Nope, he was hyper-excited about me painting. Then I reminded him that our friends and hence the class is about an hour and a half away.

I was flattered.

Who knows.

But I think I would rather buy their paintings instead.




Do you paint?




19 responses to “Creative Friends”

  1. Yes, I do paint as often as possible. I am an artist and middle school art teacher. I would love to follow your friend on Instagram – can you share how to follow? Also, would very much like to take a class – hopefully next summer I will be there! I never stop dreaming . . .

  2. Jacklynn Lantry

    I played with painting and drawing classes. It needs to be practiced diligently and can be honed, as can any craft. But I believe real talent also has a DNA component, it just oozes out of people. I would not be surprised if you had a painting gene Miss. C. The way you conceptualize spaces and color and scale? You’re a born artist.

  3. Love the two figure studies in the middle of your post. Corey, you should do the class. I bet you would be great.

  4. I’m betting that you will discover that you are a gifted painter. You have a very keen eye for composition and color. Your artist friend has noticed and that is why he probably offered the lessons. Do it! (But have Yann drive so you don’t fall asleep while driving to or from your lessons)

  5. I have painted in the past, but other things take my attention now. Yes, take the class.

  6. Just do it! Worst case scenario…an embarrassed grin.

  7. I have painted a little…..but I love the tactile of working with clay. Yes, go for the lessons…it would be another outlet for all your creative energy.

  8. Taste of France

    Their paintings are so dreamy. Beautiful.
    We all start off as kids painting and only later tell ourselves we’re no good. Painting doesn’t have to be about being good (except for professionals); it should simply be a pleasure, like singing.

  9. Our French Oasis

    Take the class, you might find you are a real natural. But I also know how you feel, I cannot paint at all, or draw, whereas my children are all extremely artistic!

  10. Leonie Buchanan

    Corey, every bone in your body is artistic…you will be great. The only thing I can draw is the cork out of a wine bottle!!!! But I do envy people with that talent. Love your friend’s paintings. xx

  11. Bette Lee Collins

    No one has mentioned your photography….that is artistic…you have the eye for color, dimension…and you always tell a story with your camera… I say yes to the class and look forward to following along with you…
    Bette Lee Collins

  12. Beautiful
    I paint, mostly plein air , and my dream is to paint in Provance.
    Try some water colors, it’s not a big investment and you can fool around and c what y come up with.

  13. You are very, very creative. It is in your DNA. Go for it! Does your friend have a website? Does he sell his paintings! They are so dreamy!

  14. Try it! You may be surprised! I graduated from an art college in Seattle that included majors in art, acting, dance and music. We had to do some crossover classes so we could understand and appreciate the other art forms. Several of the students changed their majors because they had to try things they didn’t think they could do and found their abilities and their heart in fine art.

  15. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Deidre, my friends are not connected to the internet. But I hope to post more about their art. When you come to France join us on a painting French Muse. We can visit different artist and set up plein air experiences. My friends would love to share their worldxx

  16. Tongue in Cheek

    I agree with you Jackie, and thank you for your steadfast encouragement. We will have to take classes together. Though, I am a terrible students and not to sure that I have the DNA as you think I do xxx

  17. Tongue in Cheek

    Aren’t they lovely! If I could paint or draw like that I would feel very pleased.

  18. I don’t paint, but I draw, albeit mostly with stick figures. I have observed the Art teacher at my school and picked up a few pointers, so I practice at times when I travel. YOU are an artist, Corey, with words and photographs and I would love to see how that translates with paint.

  19. Ann of Avondale

    I’m with you, I would rather buy paintings from true artists. The painting of the girl with her hand behind her head is wonderful and the colors are magnificent!

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