Between the Pages



Between the pages

 tucked in with sentences


each word somehow

caressing the root and heart

with gentle guidance and at times a thunderbolt to the source

nevertheless unveiling

a life lived.


 Old books and papers notes from the past allowing us to relive the footsteps of another.







The French Muse Experience as always was an utter joy. Ruth and I have met many kindred spirits over these last few years. At first, we thought the French Muse would be about the brocante, antiquing, inspiration… and it has, yet it has become more than that with the sharing and storytelling that takes place. The French Muse evokes a sisterhood, a place to indulge, a place to feel good about ourselves and surroundings.

An inner muse.

I am grateful!






























3 responses to “Between the Pages”

  1. Taste of France

    All those old books! I just want to drop everything and leaf through them.
    I went to the archives departementales to do research, and was presented the most amazing bundle of clippings, wrapped in white paper that created a kind of envelope, and tied with a grosgrain ribbon. All these wonderful old things.

  2. You are so giving Corey, it’s no wonder you get back so much……

  3. …inner muse…quelle belle expression… la muse interieure…la muse intime…la muse au coeur du temple…la muse au plus profond de moi même…
    hmmm, comme c´est beau , de jouer avec..;-)
    chaudement , Tina.

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