Halloween Past

Halloween past


My friend Erika sent me this photo she had taken years ago of us, 

Halloween past. Before Halloween existed in France.

Not real costumes, but dressed up fun.



13 responses to “Halloween Past”

  1. So fun and cute!

  2. I’m laughing, so sweet. You and Yann look too young to have children.

  3. Jacklynn Lantry

    So charming. I love it when you post pix of your life when you first went to france. More please, and details too…was this in France? In the states? Was it your apartment? Do you still have some of the bits and pieces of antique furniture in the background? Did you go trick or treating? Did you dress up for Halloween because you wanted to teach your kids about American holidays? So interesting. Your life in France is a book.

  4. How precious
    I love all you share


    En effet Halloween, en France, a connu il y a 20 ans un engouement et mes enfants participaient à cette fête.
    Chaque année j’ai un souvenir de ma maman jouant le jeu pour ses petits enfants.
    Elle en avait la garde en mon absence et Halloween à mon retour résonnait dans la maison…elle avait organisé jusqu’à la bande son !
    Depuis cette fête s’est éteinte, plus ou moins, mais les enfants de cette époque devenus parents retrouveront-ils l’envie d’allumer les bougies dans les citrouilles, l’excitation du costume et du maquillage? Trick or Treat !

  6. this is a beautiful picture-le petit pierrot–

  7. La Contessa

    LOVE IT MORE!!!!!!!

  8. What a great picture! Is this in Paris or in the south?

  9. Tongue in Cheek

    Ah thanks, I was nearly forty so that is a compliment !!

  10. Tongue in Cheek

    We were in France, in the south, living in the village that we still live in though a different house. We have some of the same furniture, especially the painting in the background and the confit pots, We did not go tricking or treating as that wasn’t happening then. We had twenty five children come to our door this year. Yes I use to have a little party for our family and friends so that our children would know some of American traditions too.

  11. Tongue in Cheek

    Yes that is true. About twenty years ago it started, and each year it gains popularity.

  12. Too cute for words!

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