Chelsea Roo

MyChelsea and me




Chelsea's first voyage to California. She was five months old. 

My cousin Julie, Sacha's Budda Mere took the photo of us as we were visiting her in San Francisco. The twenty-two-hour door to door trip from Marseille to Willows was a breeze. Nothing like Chelsea's birth, nor her brother Sacha's first trip overseas.


Chelsea was an easy baby. Of course, she breastfed whenever she wanted which meant she breastfed all the time, and she slept in our bed. French Husband and I believed you could never spoil a baby. Instead, we were spoiled by her endless sweetness. That little "Roo" was ten pounds at birth. After, the fifty pounds I gained I stopped looking at the scale.

Even though we lived in Paris at the time we went to Pithiviers to give birth. My cousin Pat, a midwife told us about the clinic of Michel Odent and Leboyer. My parents came to France for Chelsea's birth, and our friend Ellen was there too. 


Chelsea was named after my Godfather Craig's friend, a boy named Chelsea Green. As a child, I thought that was a cool name. Unfortunately, in France Green is not a name, hence Chelsea's middle name is after my Grandmother Amaro, Marie.

Today Julie sent me this photo and Chelsea baby was back in my arms all day long.




11 responses to “Chelsea Roo”

  1. That’s beautiful.
    We held our children constantly, even when sleeping.
    This brings to mind a conversation Frank and I had a few months ago when we had gone out to dinner. He asked if I was given the opportunity to relive part of our past with our children what would it be. I thought for a few seconds and then starting to cry. He is of course trying to get me to stop thinking that everyone around us would think we were fighting.
    When I finally composed myself I said I would give anything to have 24 -28 hours and spend 10 minutes for each year of their lives with them. When I told my sister in law this she said, “that’s why being a grandparent is so wonderful”.

  2. Jacklynn Lantry

    You are so skinny in that pic it’s difficult to believe you’d just had a baby. Please show us more pix of your early life. I love them. My Sophia, adopted at 13 months, slept with me until she was 10, and after that she slept on a little mattress beside my bed until she was 11 or 12. I always wondered if it might be some kind of latent orphanage reaction. If I could have one wish it would be to have a “way back” machine. I’d just dial up any time or event from the past and relive it. I’d pick up Sophia at the orphanage again, I’d watch Luke slide down a slide for the first time or see a birthday present for the first time or a birthday cake all lit up with candles for the first time, all firsts, when he was 6 years old and just adopted. I’d spend a lot of time in that way back machine.

  3. How very sweet! I love that you spoiled her. All children and babies need spoiling. What a beautiful picture.

  4. Our French Oasis

    Gorgeous photo, all babies need spoiling and endless unconditional love, I couldn’t agree more.

  5. Your stories are always a beautiful gift. Thanks for sharing your heart and love with all of us.
    Love Jeanne

  6. Chère Corey!
    merci pour partager cet adorable et chaleureux histoire et la belle foto avec nous tous! quel beaux cadeau, ca réchauffe mon coeur, surtout ca me fait rêver a mes enfants quand ils etaient bébé….hmmmmmm
    chaleureusement d ´autriche, ensoleillé

  7. I totally agree that you can’t spoil a baby. Just love, love, love and closeness. They grow away at their own speed.
    I’m scanning all my albums of predigital photographs just now and I’ve gotten up to my son at 3 months. Nice to go through them. Wonderful times.

  8. What wonderful memories of a sweet, wee baby who will soon be walking down the aisle to be a bride and perhaps a mother some day herself. Is all of this wonderment this really possible in one lifetime?

  9. What a beautiful baby she was! How could you NOT spoil her? So sweet.

  10. I guess I missed this post….how lovely!! Every child should be spoilt with love, not things. It’s not the same.

  11. What a doll! Sweetness is all over her and apparently it has never left. You are a woman most blessed.

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