Backroad to Peace

Backroads in provence  corey amaro


A backroad near our home. The lingering snow has given an entirely different look to Provence.

Seeing it gave me a sense of peace, the sunlight streaming through the golden leaves, the outlined snowbanks on the sides of the road, the dark trees' silhouettes added a canopy of protection. Standing there soaking up the energy I thought how I need to be more of a road of peace, how our words and actions have an effect on others so I must take my part in nourishing that which is good, peaceful, in the ways of gratitude, and courage to speak up and live life lovingly. We have power in who we are, we are part of a universal consciousness a part that can lead towards encouraging positive change or not.

I prayed let me be like the snowbanks that protect the traveler from going off the path, though not keeping them on the straight and narrow but showing the curves and ditch banks, highlighting what could be dangerous or difficult to climb. Let me be the light streaming through the golden leaves a light that penetrates into the covered dark areas. A light that encourages shadows to dance instead of creating fear. Let my words, thoughts, and actions bring an energy that encourages others to live life lovingly as well.

This is my advent prayer.

"…a voice of one calling in the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord…" 


22 responses to “Backroad to Peace”

  1. Beautiful posting as always
    I love your advent prayer
    Love and hugs and smiles across the miles
    Love Jeanne

  2. Your advent prayer made this photo even more beautiful!

  3. Well said, I can only add: amen!
    I adore this photo, BTW.

  4. I love everything about this. What a beautiful photo and a beautiful prayer.

  5. Such welcome words, Corey.
    That picture is spectacular.

  6. Beautiful picture, beautiful prayer.

  7. Corey
    I wish we were sisters. You are such a beautiful soul and although we have never met, I wish I could spend time with you. Even through the internet; your beauty and love of all things true is radiant. Many blessings to you and your family.

  8. Chris Wittmann

    Beautiful posting that gave me chills and a beautiful photo to go with it. You have some snow before us here in New Hampshire, though the White Mts. certainly have some by now, I know Mt. Washington is covered. We are due for a light snow this week, can’t wait! It makes everything look so festive.

  9. Corey, catching up on the last few days I missed. How funny that you got paper napkins as a gift! A relative sent me two packages of small paper cocktail napkins as a gift last year. I looked for the lump of coal in the package as well, lol.
    I do hope you’ll post pictures of your village decorated for Chritmas!

  10. Amen!

  11. So lovely Corey. ❤️

  12. Amylia Grace Yeaman

    This is such a beautiful reminder.
    Thank you, Corey, for your advent prayer.
    May we all take to heart such sentiment.
    I really needed this reminder today.

  13. Amylia Grace Yeaman

    But what I love, is the gray stubborn hawk
    Who floats alone beyond the frozen vines;
    And what I dream of are the patient deer
    Who stand on legs like reeds and drink that wind; –
    They are what saves the world: who choose to grow
    Thin to a starting point beyond this squalor.
    -Mary Oliver “On Winter’s Margin”

  14. Leonie Buchanan

    Beautiful photo & words Corey, I am going to print & put on my fridge. The world needs more & more people living these principles, showing love…not hate, kindness…….not selfishness, peace…..not anger, encouraging…….not condemning, positivesness……..not negativeness.
    God Bless 😇

  15. this is a random act of kindness 🙂 Thank you

  16. So mistily beautiful, Corey – the image is stunning and your words are even more beautiful… I want the whole post as a poster to look at always! xxxx

  17. La Contessa

    GORGEOUS PHOTO…….I just came from a MEDITATION VIDEO and YOU TWO ARE IN SYINC!!!!!!!!!
    Come by and see me with TOM SELLECK at THE CAROL BURNETT 50th ANNIVERSARY SHOW!!!!!!!!!!
    HIGS TO YOU and THE FAMILY on the DECEMBER 8th…………..
    My Mother passed almost a month ago and I’m sitting here dealing with those thoughts!

  18. Thank you, I needed this right now…

  19. Natalie Thiele

    Beautiful prayer accompanying one of your finest photographs. Truly stunning!

  20. Beautiful. Thank you for this. Merry Christmas. Peace and Joy in the new year.

  21. Beautiful, beautiful words for this first week of Advent. Thank you Corey for the photo, the words to set my morning prayer time in just the right mood.

  22. Fat Rabbit

    Beautiful picture and heartfelt words. Thank you for sharing both with your readers.

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