28 on the 20th



Looking into my baby's eyes I saw God. I saw her gaze, the gaze newborn babies have moments after they are born… the strong steady glazed over stare that seems not to focus on anything nevertheless absorbing everything. Chelsea's gaze pierced my soul. I put my hand over my mouth, gasped, "How is it that I became your mom? You are the older soul…teach me to be your Mother."

Chelsea was born 10 pounds and 300 years old, or maybe older.

Chelsea started calling me Mommy when she was four years old, before that she called me, "Corey." She called me Corey probably because when she said, "Maman," I didn't recognize the word as Mother in French. A child knows how to get their Mother's attention.

One of my tenderest memories of Chelsea was when Sacha was born and I had ovarian cancer. French Husband had moments earlier left for work, he told me he was leaving but instead of getting up I had fallen back to sleep. Only for a moment… but when you have a baby and a two and a half-year-old a moment can be a lifetime. I woke up with a start, knew I had overslept, shook my head and tried to focus. Chelsea (2 1/2) was sitting inside of Sacha's crib (four months old). She had a bottle in one hand and a diaper in the other. She whispered to me, "Sleep little Corey, it is okay. I am taking care of Sacha."

Happy Twentieth Eighth Birthday Chelsea !!



37 responses to “28 on the 20th”

  1. Oh what a precious and beautiful story.
    Beautiful blessings for your lovely daughter.
    Merry Christmas to you all.
    Love Jeanne

  2. Wishing you the happiest of days as you celebrate your special day, Chelsea!

  3. This is a wonderful storey. Happy Birthday Chelsea!

  4. Cynthia Thompson

    A most Happy and Blessed Birthday to you Chelsea. Once again, thank you Corey for sharing your beautiful stories with us all!

  5. Happy Birthday, Chelsea! What a story! Almost thirty years ago, I was in group cancer counseling sessions with a group of women who were recovering from or being treated for breast cancer, as was I. I can tell you that their stories of their children’s reactions to their cancer were not like yours. Hilarious, granted, but they were usually stories that pointed out how much those children were trying to maneuver their moms into being moms again, not take over for them. What a treasure Chelsea must have been to you and still is!

  6. Happy Birthday Chelsea!
    Best wishes for a beautiful day!

  7. Happy Birthday to your wonderful girl. Your story warmed my heart!

  8. Happy Birthday Chelsea! She looks lovely. Her picture here seems like she’s saying “what me, 28?”
    Wait until that number has a 5 or 6 in front of it, lol.
    Bon anniversaire! Meillueus Voeux!

  9. lanmangina@me.com

    Awww this makes me cry! God has it all figured out for us! What a gift Chelsea is and a giver from the start! Happy Birthday sweet Chelsea! xoxo

  10. Wonderful story! You made me tear up. We always called our oldest daughter “mom”. She took care of me when I was confined to bed, pregnant with our second daughter and used to scold us when we came later that we told her we would. Some are born older and wiser!

  11. Bom aniversário, Chelsea!

  12. Susan Young

    What a very precious memory!
    Bon anniversaire Chelsea!!!

  13. susan b yerkes

    What a blessing you got that day! She is a beautiful young woman !!

  14. TEXAS francophile

    What a sweet story! What a beautiful daughter!

  15. Leonie Buchanan

    Beautiful story, have a lump in my throat! Amazing how children can grasp the moment when so young. Having been diagnosed with cancer must make your children’s milestones all the more poignant to you. I know it would me.
    What an exciting year coming for you all, I loved all the pre wedding happenings, made me wish I had of had more children. But the two I have were very hard to get & the third just never happened!! Grandchildren will be your next joy Corey.

  16. Corey et Chelsea , vous êtes si adorable- sage- belle.
    deux coeurs plein d´amour et de tendresse ,
    grand plaisir pour moi personellement, de pouvoir participer à des moments chaleureux que tu partages si genereusement avec nous tous!
    chaleureusement de l ´autriche
    Tina xxx
    …mes enfants, max 26 et may 18,5 vous envoient egalement de voeux de no**el!

  17. Amylia Grace Yeaman

    What a blessing from God. I have a big ol’ lump in my throat and strange water appearing from the corners of my eyes. 😉 happy Birthday to a beautiful old soul in a gorgeous young woman’s body. I think my baby is an old soul, too—those eyes, a similar knowing. Perhaps you are searching the Brocante for something belonging to her before.

  18. Amylia Grace Yeaman

    P.S. pardon my comment about body-I simply meant an old soul in a young body with such beauty in her heart and clearly written all over her face! You know what I mean! Yes

  19. Touching & beautiful. Corey, there IS an expression in French ‘Tu es un vieil enfant’ – sums it up. Happy Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter and to you as her mum.

  20. Every child is a gift, some we need sooner than others. #ThanksForBeingAParent.

  21. I remember the first time you wrote about this moment on your blog. Cried then, crying now. Continued blessings from Chicago.

  22. Chris Wittmann

    Oh to be 28 again! Wonderful story and memories….a very Happy Birthday to Chelsea

  23. Anne Woodyard (@MusicandMarkets)

    Precious! We look forward to meeting this jewel – the only one of you we don’t know yet! Joyeux Noel!

  24. Jacklynn Lantry

    What a wonderful story (and beautifully written too..) I worked nights when my kids were little and I remember little Sophia coming into my room with a teetering glass of water and a sloppily made, falling apart peanut butter sandwich. The most perfect meal I’ve ever been served.

  25. Oh, what precious, beautiful memories of your first born! Joyeaux Noel, Corey and family!

  26. So beautiful! i remember when my daughter was born; i saw everyone differently, as someone’s precious baby once. Happy Birthday, Chelsea.

  27. Wow! She is indeed an old soul. Beautiful!

  28. What a precious story about your daughter! Happy Birthday Chelsea!

  29. How sweet!!! She was looking after her mama and her baby brother! I love that picture of her- just perfect. I really enjoyed reading about her adventures in her blog- such an eye opener. You have definitely instilled a sprit of adventure in your children- such an accomplishment. Hugs & love all around

  30. This is one of my all time favorite stories! So glad you shared again. Happy Birthday to Chelsea!

  31. WOW!

  32. Julie Mautner

    Love it! Merry Christmas, Little Corey!!

  33. Happy birthday to a beautiful soul who has such a wonderful year ahead of her! Thank you for the memory, Corey. Marry Christmas to all. Joan

  34. Oh, my, the emotions here. What a lovely story, beautiful caring child, a new baby and the diagnosis. I had ovarian cancer at age 52, my kids were grown and I had only my health to worry about. I am now almost 75 and have had these years of joy and health with 5 gorgeous teen aged grand kids. God is good. Happy birthday to a stunning daughter.

  35. Love this story. To this day, my daughter will call me by name to get my attention because, you know, always distracted… xoxo

  36. Cheryl Johannes

    A lovely daughter who has the soul and heart of her lovely mother 🙂
    Happy birthday to both of you!

  37. Oh Corey, I remember this story. It has stayed with me all this time. I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in September. Luckily, I had Stage 1, only 3 treatments and today I feel stronger than ever. I thought of you the whole time. I kept repeating, I do not have cancer, I do not have cancer.
    Blessings to you and your family. I’ve missed so much while I was sick.
    I have a lot to catch up on.
    Gorgeous Chelsea – what a blessing she is.

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