Thank You

thank you, roses, corey amaro


Last night we celebrated Chelsea's birthday, just the three of us in the dining room. We drank champagne, talked about love, happiness, marriage, and Sacha, we miss him very much. After dessert, around midnight we went to bed.

This morning Chelsea woke up white as a sheet and went straight into worshipping the porcelain god. Martin called to say he was sick too, they both have the flu. So instead of going to the caterer, Chelsea stayed close to the bathroom and otherwise in bed. Her childhood friend Sophie is home for the holidays and came to spend two nights with us. Poor Chelsea trying to smile, trying to pretend she isn't sick. But the best she can do is stay in bed and rest. We hope she is feeling better tomorrow, but something tells me she might be down for a few days.

Meanwhile wedding talk, Chelsea likes the idea of white, sand and gold being the colors. She asked what accent color the family could wear, I said black, she didn't laugh, flu robs one of their sense of humor. What would you suggest? Oh, and Chelsea did say that Martin said that the men are not wearing white nor beige. Well?






20 responses to “Thank You”

  1. I hope she feels better soon. I love to hear of all the wedding plans.
    Love Jeanne

  2. Taste of France

    Something subtle? A pale blue or sage or jade? The tiniest hint of color?

  3. I’ve been sick with some sort of flu this week too. It’s awful. After completely emptying anything that was in my stomach for however long, all I wanted to do was sleep, sleep, sleep.

  4. Julie Loeschke

    Blue gray?So sorry she is sick and praying for a quick recovery. <3

  5. Pale French blue . Hope Chelsea and Martin feel better soon and you and Yann avoid the bug.

  6. I thought traditional black or navy for the gentlemen and if navy is a go then that as an accent color too it is elegant and juxtaposed against the sand and white would add depth a pop of color in a darker shade…just my two cents hope she is feeling better soon.

  7. Oh so sorry for all. French Blue would be so pretty and maybe dark brown for the men. Love to hear all the plans and thinking of you all. Merry Christmas Corey-your blog is first thing every morning.

  8. Soft Peach or pale, french blue for the ladies and dark brown or dark, navy blue for the gentlemen! And get well soon!

  9. Vicki Perkins

    Pantone has a lovely shade, peony navy 19-4029. I think it is fresh feeling enough that you can use it in a summer wedding.

  10. Coitadinha 🙁 (That’s Portuguese for “You poor thing”)
    Let’s hope Chelsea and Martin are feeling better soon, and replenish those lost electrolytes. I also hope that no one else catches the bug from them, because typically it’s highly contagious. Take care, all, so you can fully enjoy the rest of the holiday season!

  11. My entire family has been worshipping the porcelain God with this nasty global flu! Healing and comfort to Chelsea!
    Maybe an accent colour like azure sky blue in the gorgeous frescos on crumbly sandy, limestone walls. Similar in tone to the blue on the picture of your lampshade (love it) at the top of your blog Corey.
    I’ve read that the blue in plaster frescos was difficult to perfect being made from the pigment of azurite stone. Lyon, France mined an azurite stone for pigment named chessylite. Wonderful symbolism:)

  12. So sorry Chelsea is sick. I hope it is the one or two day flu. I know whatever plans are made for the wedding they will all be beautiful. How can they not be with your wonderful sense of style.

  13. Barbara Blizzard

    Hope that everyone gets well quick. My vote would be for French Blue – clearly goes well with gold and white and complements everyone’s complexion.

  14. Healing thoughts to Chelsea. The wedding planning negotiations have begun. 😊

  15. Chris Wittmann

    Oh poor Chelsea, what a dreadful time to be sick. Herbal bitters for the tummy often work wonders…lots of water to keep from being dehydrated too. Hopefully this is only a “24 hour bug”

  16. oh I never thought of this….great idea!

  17. Please tell me Chelsea is wearing that dress…sing…

  18. Rose, like painting, would be lovely.

  19. I think the colors of blue and dove grey from your pictures of Cassis and your Home in Cassis (on the right column of your blog) are what jumped to mind

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