Brocante Finds

brocante finds collections corey amaro


As I go to the brocantes in France several times a month the questions I am often asked are:


What can you find?

What are you looking for?

Is there anything left?

Have the prices gone up?

Can you still find bargains?

What is the best thing you have ever found?

Where is the best brocante?


But the real question and the one that answers most of the above is?


H O W   M U C H   C A N   Y O U   P U T   I N   Y O U R   I N   CAR  ?   








3 responses to “Brocante Finds”

  1. Peggy Lunde

    Well, thinking back–we solved the problem by putting you and Yann in the back seat of a mini car, which you shared with a desk!♥

  2. “Is there anything left”….that made me laugh out loud.

  3. Just imagining you cramming things in your car makes me smile.

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