Wedding Details

Wedding details in provence, Corey amaro




Wedding details in provence, Corey amaro



Wedding details in provence, Corey amaro



Our daughter Chelsea and her beau Martin are going to be married this summer.

July 6th, the day before my Mother and Father's wedding anniversary.

Today we took a drive to see the venue and the church.

We are in full gear towards creativity and decisions in all things delicious and beautiful.

Tomorrow we have a tasting with the caterer.



10 responses to “Wedding Details”

  1. Wow, what a beautiful place!

  2. This church really sets the mood for the occasion, doesn’t it? Really beautiful.
    Looking forward to hearing more after you’ve had three treating.

  3. Yann and Chelsea look extremely serious! The church is beautiful.

  4. Julie Loeschke

    Wonderful! God’s blessings on you all!

  5. Leslie in Oregon

    Is this the Basilica Sainte-Marie-Madeleine, St Maximin la St Baume? A glorious Gothic masterpiece!

  6. What an exciting time this is for the family.

  7. Miss Bunny

    Loving this wedding preparation ! Thank you for sharing a private moment with your readers.

  8. Laurie Woodward

    Such a special time of life! Let us know where the splashes of color will be for the groom. It started raining yesterday! So nice. Xo

  9. It will be spectacular!


    I was married on the 5th of July and was suppose to be born on the 7th!BUT I WAS LATE CAME ON THE 22 of JULY!!!
    YOU MUST BE SO EXCITED………..I’m excited for YOU just seeing these photos!

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