reflections before sixty




The whole pot full of them:

The juicy, the stinky, sometimes tasteless, never boring, often challenging divine mixture that makes for an adventurous thing called life.

And when they are stirred,

whether to the boiling point or to a slow simmer,

with the sometimes unexplainable,

never ordinary,

often with the contrary divine mixture of day to day living:

One's heart, soul, and mind have the incredible opportunity to make a choice and be the better.

To have a choice is a gift.

I gotta start choosing wisely.



14 responses to “reflections before sixty”

  1. Turning sixty is definitely a milestone Corey! I love it that we were born exactly two weeks apart. I am learning acceptance and feeling so much gratitude in my 60th year. Life is not perfect, but in the end it is so imperfectly beautiful. Love you dear friend!

  2. Re turning any age: Considering the alternative… 😉

  3. That is a great picture. Congratulations on your upcoming big day.

  4. Jacklynn Lantry

    60. It’s difficult to believe. I will be 62 this year. No!

  5. It’s surprising that inside we still feel…sixteen…or thirty, or whichever year we can think of. It’s such a blur this aging thing. Like someone above said – it’s better than the alternative –

  6. jend’isère

    With strong framework beauty improves with age. Like the those gorgeous buildings you feature in this photo, only a few adjustments with love
    over the décades are for upkeep.

  7. Corey, When “big” birthdays loom on the horizon I prepare myself by saying that I am that number right after January 1.By the time October rolls around, I am ready to “be” that number. This October I will “be” 70 so I am practicing hard and convincing myself that 70 is a great age to be. Unfortunately you only had a month to practice being 60. 😘 BTW, you make great choices. Just look at the wonderful life you have built with all the wonderful people who love you. Happy almost 60th birthday!

  8. The odd thing about aging is we still feel young mentally but our bodies start to let us down! Usually I feel 35 but then first thing in the morning or after a day of gardening my body is 100 years old… love the picture. Is it a photo or a painting? The colours and subject are so like the oldish picture I purchased at a brocante in September. Love it.

  9. I’m loving the beautifully written words of this post and the perfect picture you chose for it! Happy 60th!

  10. Corey, I’m sure that your life has become something that you never could have imagined. You inspire so many people with your life and your enthusiasm for adventure. Thanks for showing the way. And happy birthday

  11. Chris Wittmann

    Oh to be 60 again! I will be 66 this Spring and it’s a bit frightening when I realize I’ve already outlived so many members of my family. Everyone ages differently, and I don’t feel much different today than when I was 40. Someone said 60 is the new 40 anyway, so embrace the age and enjoy life that much more! I hope you celebrate with a wonderful meal and a trip to the Brocante!

  12. We will be spending June 2018 in Aix. We are hoping to take a number of day hikes to villages in the Provence while there, perhaps by taking a bus/train out and hiking back or vice versa. Any recommendations? Are there sources for information about day trips that you recommend?

  13. oh chère Corey!
    tout tes dernières post, si beau , si touchant, si vrai, comme s´etait fait, écrit, pensée pour moi ….
    riches cadeaux pour mon tout profond….
    chaudement ,

  14. Enjoy turning 60, but I agree you begin to realize time is more limited and must choose wisely. I think of that often.

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