The Eternal Voyage


Live life well, antique engraving, corey amaro





As days pass into years, one after another,

 Some feel longer or fuller than others,

How is that so? Especially when some moments… days,

pass by like a wasteland. 



Did I get anything done today? Was I loving? 






Live life well, antique engraving, corey amaro






Maybe those type of days occur for time to water my unconscious thoughts, my hidden desires, like grains that long to come forth?

Time has a way of bringing, showing, healing… the ground needs to be made ready. Wastelands can become gardens over time.

What I think is a lost day, might truly be the fullest day for my interior self. 

Is that what life is? A longing to live it fuller, feel it sweetly, hold it closer, dive into it deeper, share

it like confetti on new year's eve?


Turning sixty has increased reflection it is a given and gladly taken. 





Live life lovingly, antique engraving, corey amaro







I do not want to think I should have done more, I want to believe in the garden of time.


The longing to be more than yesterday or more than a million tomorrows can hold is simply a quest:

Life and love and longing the eternal voyage to becoming whole.





13 responses to “The Eternal Voyage”

  1. Taste of France

    Time and, gulp, the continuation of it without us.
    My mother discussed all the things she wanted to get done. “I have at most 10 years left,” she said that summer. By fall she had died, at age 90.
    Every day is a gift.

  2. Shelley Noble

    Beautiful, Corey. Happy Birthday, dear.

  3. Beautiful.

  4. Yes, as I get older there is definitely more reflection and then I run alittle faster.

  5. Happy birthday Corey!!!

  6. Our French Oasis

    Much reflexion in those wise words and a very good reminder to enjoy every day.

  7. Time passages. Just a beautiful posting my dear one.
    I enjoy your words so much and everything you share.
    Love Jeanne

  8. Hefty thoughts for t first thing I read today.

  9. Corey, your words….so beautiful

  10. Angelic Salyer Veasman

    I so agree, “A longing to live it fuller…dive into it deeper.” I’ve begun recently reflecting as well. My goal this year is to go deeper, not wider. No new hobbies, projects, or books this year. Instead, I want to find the value in what I already own or the enjoyment of finishing the projects I’ve already started. To improve my skills rather than learn new ones. To watch the movies and listen to the music I’ve already stockpiled instead of acquiring more. To read the unread books or reread favorites. To practice the guitar. To write more. To pick up the camera again.

  11. Chris Wittmann

    Even when I was a kid I seemed to be aware of time passing, maybe I am just an “old soul.” But now as I approach 66 it’s even more intense, each passing day I wonder what else I could’ve done with my time. Since I’ve already outlived so many members of my family, it’s a bit scarey to say the least. I know the only thing to do is to put my faith in God that each day will be full.

  12. As usual, my thoughts align with yours. Your words mean so much today as they have for all the years I have been reading your blog! Such a privilege that you share this site and to read your inspiration. xo

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