Let This be the Moment Now

French Countryside, daily walk, corey amaro



Last night it rained.

The ground was moist, the leaves glistened, the moss along the stone wall felt like a sponge and the birds were happy.

As the earth soaked up the rain there was a hum a meditative hum, a silence that sang so strongly I stopped to listen. 

I rarely have felt let alone hear something so deeply moving as I did this morning on my daily walk.

The feeling of life, goodness, wholeness surrounded me.

The countryside felt like it was praying, I was glad to take part of the communion it offered.




My walk was longer than usual given that nature's choir held me.




French Countryside, daily walk, corey amaro



I would not have noticed the moisture gathering, slowly forming one graceful droplet if I had not stopped to listen and becoming caught up in the harmony around me.

I felt fortunate witnessing the gift of life where boundaries seemed not to exist, my cells expanded in a dance with the invisible and visible.

I could not imagine it if I had not experienced it.







French Countryside, daily walk, corey amaro



We live between Marseille and Aix, at the base of Saint Baume, where the path that Mary Magdelene and the Virgin Mary are said to have walked. At the top of Saint Baume is the grotto that Mary Magdelene lived, and myth has it that the river (that looks like a creek) that runs through our town is said to be the tears of Mary Magdelene. In the neighboring town is the Basilique of Mary Magdelene where Chelsea and Martin will marry this July.

Today the land was an altar, where spring dared to peek its head after the rain. 



French Countryside, daily walk, corey amaro




I took off my shoes,

placed my hands on the tree,

closed my eyes,

and let it be.





French Countryside, daily walk, corey amaro


Grateful I walked home, where I was to learn about the shootings in Florida.



"Let peace begin with me
Let this be the moment now."




25 responses to “Let This be the Moment Now”

  1. Corey,
    Your words touch me. Yes, it is holy. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me for sure!

  2. That top picture is just perfect.
    Yes, let peace begin with me and you.

  3. Francis of Assisi ALWAYS spoke of nature in terms like you-people said when no one was around to talk to about God and Jesus he would listen to the water run over the rocks the swish of air the flutter the birds made-the drying crackle of the sun it is all there around us…we need to quiet ourselves to experience it through all of our senses …our being-I have read when you feel that time is stopped and the crispness of all around you is evident-it is an encounter with holiness-I BELIEVE THAT!

  4. RebeccaNYC

    Oh Corey. thank you for this today. xoxo

  5. I wondered if this would come up. I am speechless. It shouldn’t be this way.

  6. Dear Corey,
    Thank you for these beautiful words, especially today. As you know, I am very near where this tragedy took place. The grief, the pain, the sorrow are palpable all around South Florida. There are no word to explain it. It is all that everyone talks about. Praying is the only comfort. I urge everyone to hug their loved ones every chance you get. None of us know what the next moment will bring.

  7. Peace. It begins on the inside. Thanks for this.

  8. I’m speechless with the horror…

  9. TEXAS francophile

    Now that we no longer have our place in the country i can’t even imagine the silence you experienced. I guess I’m accustomed to the white noise. Thank you for sharing…….and then there’s Florida….is this our new normal? Prayers……..silence……

  10. Taste of France

    “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”
    There are many things to pray for, but the souls of children killed at school should not have to be one of them.

  11. Leslie in Oregon

    How are Mary Magdalene and the Virgin Mary said to have made their way from Israel to what is now southern France?

  12. Elizabeth Vertue

    Beautiful writing. It feels as if you wrote it just for me. This happens quite often. Thank you.

  13. Your blog postings deeply touch my heart and soul as they do everyone.
    Let there be peace on earth
    and let it begin with me.
    Love Jeanne
    Praying for our world and hoping for solutions to many of its problems escalating out of control

  14. Amen to that, tears here (for the beauty of your writing and the sadness of the Florida shooting) and thankfulness for all the good(ness) we have.

  15. Your words make me SO sad…. I shall pray for you – addtional to all the others! There is ONE good thing to my often sleepless nights: I can pray for all the individuals I have not the time for during the day. Bless you, ‘homeless Texas Francophile’

  16. Amen to all of this – every word. Every sentiment.

  17. Jacklynn Lantry

    Every person who voted for a republican supported by the NRA is responsible for the massacre of innocent children and adults in America. You voted them in, you support them, you allow it. You own it. It isn’t just politicians, it’s the people who voted them into office. You all have blood on your hands.

  18. As a retired teacher who endured 2 different district lock downs – one with police shootings I know that NOW is the time to limit guns. Men in government are not bringers of peace. They are enablers of tools of death. Those articulate and expressive Florida teens need to be our leaders now. Shame on America.

  19. Your words, your photos, your walk! So much sacredness. Wish I could take that walk with you. I will keep this prayer for a daily meditation. Thank you.

  20. Very beautiful, Corey. You are in tune with Mother Nature and your faith. What a sacred place you live near. To walk and feel the wonderment of it all.
    Our country is in grief over this last shooting. I agree with the above comment, the men in our government are not bringers of peace. We need to keep our children more safe. Sad week.

  21. Christine Harris

    Just beautiful!

  22. Your walks with nature seem to be a very healing and replenishing ‘church’. So beautifully expressed.

  23. Good points in your comment, imo.

  24. Yes to everything you said!

  25. Hi Corey….your beautiful description of your walk made me feel as if I took the walk with you! You always choose the perfect words to recreate the moment…thank you ! Looking forward to the next walk…and the one after that!

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