Welcoming Baby

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Chelsea's friends from grade school, Domi, and Leah both live abroad for work, though luckily everyone was home last weekend for a visit. They came for lunch and requested pancakes. That made me smile, pancakes for lunch.

Domi came with her nine-week-old baby "Lou".  From the moment Lou came into our home she never stopped smiling. What a sweet little baby she is.

As I watched them share with one another, the years of their growing up came flooding into this moment, young women, one a mother now passing on their love to the newest person in their circle of love and forever-ness.

The seasons of our lives, rich, ripe, ready rushing by with such gentle grace I often marvel at the time that cannot be measured until days like today..




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A baby brings such sweet tender energy. Our voices change, we can gaze for hours at the smallest of movements,

Lou with her tiny presence held us captivated. Domi (Lou's mother) is standing opposite of Chelsea.




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Smiley baby!





Leah's partner admires Lou.


I was impressed with their long-standing partners, their kindness, intelligence, fun loving, easy going personalities. Isn't it fortunate when those we love find generous love? When their relationships are admirable and good? When life seems to treat them well. I was happy to see them happy. 





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Sharing the beginning of motherhood stories while breastfeeding baby Lou.




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The day went by with us openly admiring, taking turns holding and gazing at Lou.

Love shared without restraint. 


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Sweet Baby Lou welcome to the sisterhood of these three beauties.


XXX plus x


8 responses to “Welcoming Baby”

  1. So much love and what a charming and sweet Lou!

  2. Sweet sisterhood! How special to have little Lou brighten your day.

  3. What an adorable baby! The pancakes made me laugh as well. Are you able to get real maple syrup?

  4. Jacklynn Lantry

    Oh my gosh, so cute! I cannot wait to hear the baby speak french!! Promise us a video please…

  5. Taste of France

    I want to gobble up those chubby little cheeks.
    Check out the eye contact between Lou and Leah’s partner. Babies are so amazing.

  6. Every child should have someone in their lives who is the “apple of their eye”. Does Lou ever have that! The expression on Leah’s face never changed; pure joy. Thanks for capturing this joy that could be seen on all their faces. Oh if only every child in the world had this.

  7. You can see how happy Domi is. She glows! And that’s a beautiful baby.

  8. Beautiful happy baby. No wonder. Look how her mother adores her.

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