Lucky Penny French Style

French Coin
French COin


I wish I could say, "I was walking in the forest behind my house along the old Roman road when I saw something shiny at my feet, and guess what I found? An old coin with three Fleur de Lys and a crown on it!"

But no.

Instead, the story goes…

I was at a brocante, (no duh do you go to them often?) visiting a stand I frequent. After buying a few things, the dealer said, "Here take this, it is a gift because you often stop at my stand, and I am grateful."

How thoughtful.

Instead of a Lucky penny, I received graciousness French style.




13 responses to “Lucky Penny French Style”

  1. Jacklynn Lantry

    Oh I think story # 2 is way better:)

  2. A lovely gift indeed!

  3. Stubblejumpers Cafe

    Gorgeous! I’m green. -Kate

  4. Diogenes

    Never let the truth get in the way of a good story. 😉 It is your luck penny.

  5. Ooohhh. I think that is the French Lilly crest! Let me know if you ever care to part with it as it would make a fun gift for my dear Joel Lilly.

  6. Taste of France

    No better proof that you’re in with the brocanteurs.

  7. Our French Oasis

    Finding it on an old Roman road would be a good story but I actually love the true one, being a gift from a vendor at a brocante even more.

  8. Beautiful on many levels

  9. How nice!

  10. Charland

    It could not have found a better home and you have the ‘ something old, something new’ bit for the upcoming wedding.

  11. Oh, that is the best—an unexpected gift of sentiment and appreciation. That brought joy to this Grumpy Butt today. Shaking off the grumpies as we speak! xoxo


    In New Orleans we have a name for a little something extra given to a good customer. We call it lagniappe. what a wonderful little treasure!

  13. Sharon CS

    What a perfectly lovely gesture from your brocante dealer. A special memory to go with it! ❤️

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