Easter Sunday

preparing for Easter



Between their chatter of the day, 

A surge of joy rose,

A joy that makes walking on water possible.

The type of joy that makes me feel something beyond the here and now.

Under my breath, I whispered, "Thank you."

Faith in love and goodness, Amen.



7 responses to “Easter Sunday”

  1. Susan May

    Happy Easter!

  2. Diogenes

    Happy Easter Corey! I had to enlarge the photo to determine that the bunny was not chocolate!

  3. Joyeueses Paques a tous!

  4. Leslie in Oregon

    Thank you for sharing your Easter joy and gratitude with us. Those feelings suffused my Easter; it was wonderful.

  5. I hope your Easter blessings were many.
    Much love

  6. Chris Wittmann

    Hope you had a very blessed Easter.

  7. Beautiful pictures and words!

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