


Merci, for your advice and wishing me well. I am sorry to hear that

many of you suffer from back pain. I had no idea that it was such a problem

for so many of you, and that your good advice comes from experience. 

I am feeling slightly better and think it is improving. Being still, either by sitting,

standing or laying down is the hardest part… not counting the pain of the first  

two days. Thankfully,  it has been raining so that makes staying inside easier.

Thank you for your encouragement xxxxx 







16 responses to “Merci”

  1. Sue Young

    Hi Corey!Just today saw this post about your back pain. UGH. It’s the WORST,isn’t it?!?!?! I’ve had a bad lower back most of my life,including having it “go out” twice,both times brought on by a sneeze! It reduced me to a quivering pile of nerve endings,unable to even put on my own bra or comb my hair!
    I still have a bad back,but have not had a really bad bout of pain for a few years…I owe this to regular back massages from a semi-holistic chiropractic dr. I recommend it highly!
    Hope you’ll be up and around soon.
    Gentle hugs!

  2. Jacklynn Lantry

    I’ve heard Ibuprophen is very good for back pain because it is an anti-inflamatory. I also have a friend who swears by the pool at the Y. She uses a swimming tube and just “hangs” in the water. According to her Dr. it stretches out the spine with no pressure or counter-pressure. She was able to avoid surgery by doing the pool thing. Good Luck!

  3. BarbaraDoone Colling

    I agree with Jacklynn re taking ibuprofen (Advil) regularly while the pain and stiffness persist. Also see a physiotherapist or chiropractor for treatment but I can’t say enough about taking the Advil regularly (I think every 6 hours). Time and rest also are on the advice list. Hang in there, it will get better!

  4. Diogenes

    Corey, I’m guessing from afar that you pulled a muscle in your back. Hugs, hope it improves quickly!

  5. Hope you are recovering and the pain will subside very soon. As some of the reader’s suggested, ibuprofen can ease the muscle pain. A good book with a warm cup of tea is also nice on a rainy day.

  6. Chère Corey!
    Félicitations pour Chelsea , admirable, admirable!!!!
    Ah, nos dos, je connâit……alors, pour les douleurs du dos, et des douleurs en générale, comme Aromatherapeute,
    j´utilise une composition aromatique spéciale,
    un composant de huiles essentielles: vert d´hiver- attention! seulement 2 u 3 gouttes max. dans un mélange! cajeput, pin, menthe fine, encens, noir de muscade- aussi 2 ou 3 gouttes, melanger quelques goutes dans huile de jojoba et millepertuis. appliquer sur la peau , doucement, ça calme aussitôt.
    cette huile aromatique très efficace, je le propose d ácheter les ingrédients chez votre distributeur de confiance et le préparer soi même, ou je peut envoie cette composition déjà preapré , par la post, 100% aromathérapie. 10 ml / 50ml.
    Chère Corey, je lis ton courrier fidèlement, MERCI pour la beauté et l´amour que je trouve entre tes mots…!

  7. Dear Corey, I am glad you are better. I have suffered from back problems since I was young! A good chiropractor is the only thing that truly helped! I never thought I would go to one, but mine was great(now retired) and made all the difference for me. He always told me to try to keep moving, if possible. Just moving as best as you can. Also, he would have me use wet heat. I’m truly sorry you’re having back troubles! Be well!😘

  8. Big hugs and heal well my sweet friend.
    Love Jeanne

  9. Charland

    If its not getting better, get a muscle relaxant, just for a few days, and then do exercises. Feeling so sorry for you.

  10. I love reading your comments giving me a chance to practice my French-have a good weekend!

  11. slow and steady-glad you are making progress -wishing you a pain free happy weekend!

  12. Cousin Linda

    Every couple years I get a spasm in my back that wipes me out for a few days. I’ve been prescribed a heavy-duty anti-spasmodic called flexiril, generic cyclobenzaprine. It wipes you out, but the worst is usually over in two days and then I switch to Aleve for a few days. The first time, I got to the bathroom with baby steps. Had one just about 10 days ago. The heating pad seems to help, but have never recovered without the use of the aforementioned prescription. Hope you feel better soon.

  13. Chris Wittmann

    Hi Corey, I missed this bit of news too, my hubby had lengthy surgery at Mass. General yesterday and I’ve been out of the loop since his illness. I too have a bad back, made worse by arthritis. My pain is mostly in my lower back and hips. I cannot do the physical work I do without regular trips to my chiropractor. I’ve been going to one for many years and I’d be in much more pain if I didn’t.

  14. gosh I hope your husband is better-I know you do not remember me …I purchased a bunch of soap a while back we had a few good political convos and about your cats and mine-wishing you all good things especially good health!

  15. Chris Wittmann

    Hi “g”…wish I had your name so I could bring it back to mind…thanks for the well wishes. I’m heading to Boston today to visit my hubby. It is a serious issue, we’re hoping for encouraging biopsy reports in a week or so. Do let me know your name!

  16. oh MERCi “G”, un joli compliment et ca me rend heureuse d´ enrichir ton vocabulaire française 😉
    vas y….!

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