Brocante Fashion Statement





11 responses to “Brocante Fashion Statement”

  1. Cathy Baker

    Boring, but comfortable black tennis shoes is what I wear. I don’t even wear heels out to dinner. I am not about flash.

  2. Diogenes

    Heels, but t thos are too low.

  3. Diogenes


  4. Kathie B

    Oh my, you must be my doppelgänger!

  5. Red tennis shoes. I can’t wear heels and wear boring white tennis shoes most of the time.

  6. my STAN SMITH’S

  7. Ann of Avondale

    In the summer I wear sandals and in the winter boots.

  8. Taste of France

    At a little village vide grenier last year, I saw someone dressed much like the person on the left, and it was a man. I was quite happy that he could go out dressed as he liked (no question he was a man–he had a beard), and not get hassled.

  9. Ha, red chucks!

  10. Jacklynn Lantry

    Holy cow, I’d break my neck, lol.

  11. Ina + Milo Mustachio

    Chacun à son gout … kudos to the one who wears the heels … wouldn’t choose them for the occasion … smart for the classic comfort and chic … happy flea’ing! Happy Sunday!

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