









7 responses to “Portraits”

  1. OH MY GOSH-love all of them!

  2. martha liuzzi

    I have been following this blog for years. I love your work and appreciate the many happy hours that you have given through your lovely and loving musings.
    Love the portrait in which your reflection is apparent. It looks as if you are in the background.

  3. Wisps of Words

    I see you, in the last one. -smile-

  4. Diogenes

    These are fascinating – love the lady with the glasses, both of them.

  5. Jacklynn Lantry

    Love the hands and love you in the pic! Very cool…

  6. Cynthia Thompson

    Thank you once again for a wonderful view into your wonderful world!! I love your reflection in the last picture!! Thank you so very much.

  7. Beautiful portraits. We are living in a time now where there are no portraits that you can hold in your hands. Everybody is taking digital photos, definitely no paintings, and keeping them on their phones. When that phone dies, the photos die.

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