Two Daisies and Rose Petals


Peace two daisies


The rain's perfume filled my room

the morning light had a hint of grey, 

My husband's steps downstairs were soft

my bed was my vehicle of healing this cold.

I rolled over, pulled the blanket over my head and slept for another few hours which was the best medicine.

What is the saying feed a cold starve a fever? I looked it up:

"The thinking behind the old saying "feed a coldstarve a fever" goes like this: fasting causes a drop in body temperature, which helps to fight a high fever, while eating raises your temperature, warming you up if you have a cold and keeping your sniffles at bay. … If—or when you're hungry, eat."

Around six in the evening, I realized I hadn't had anything to eat since noon yesterday. I ate a little but still do not have an appetite. Tomorrow I will probably eat an entire grocery store.

My nieces will not be at Chelsea's wedding. I bought their tickets before I knew that Chelsea was going to be married in July.

They are okay with it, and it is what it is.




Baby rattle




Sacha is looking for a place to live in Seattle, he is hoping for one of these areas:

Greenlake, Fremont, Ballard, Georgetown, Industrial district, Captiol Hill, Madrona, or even South Lake Union, Westlake, Eastlake, Queen Ann or Magnolia.

If you know of anything in any of those areas please let me know, and I will let Sacha know.





rose petals


My friend Martina, who lives in Seattle, who I know through blogging is drying rose petals from her garden for Chelsea's and Martin's wedding. The rose petals are so perfect compared to my shriveled ones! I asked Martina how she managed to have them look so perfectly:

"I (Martina) used a wood frame. Years ago I had stapled chicken wire inside to make for a little treasures holder, but never used it.

Elevated it and put some lacy fabric over, then petals flat on it.  Because  Cashew the cat will eat any plant or flower in the house, I gently placed more lace on top.  Two days in a room that gets full sun est voila! "



What is new with you?








15 responses to “Two Daisies and Rose Petals”

  1. That’s so nice of your friend Martina. Rest well Corey.

  2. I know a place for rent on Seattle! Wonderful to think that rose petals from here will be part of Martin and Chelsea’s wedding.

  3. Ann of Avondale

    Hi Corey, “A women has to know her limitations” a line from a Dirty Harry movie…You must take care and not over-do. The wedding will be wonderful not to mention playing host to all the relatives. Stay in bed, drink lots of liquids, pray, stay in until you feel better. Those rose petals are lovely. Think positive thoughts with lots of gratitude.

  4. Flowers in CA have been so beautiful this spring so I tried drying so many of them to send to you for Chelsea’s wedding but they all looked so weird so I threw them out. Just know that CA flowers will be thinking of Chelsea on her wedding day.

  5. Vicki Perkins

    All the areas Sacha is looking at would be fun. It is a little longer commute but Alki is nice in West Seattle. Greenlake would be my favorite because the lake is such a draw and there is a path all the way around it. If he is adventuresome he could live on Vashon Island where I grew up and use the walk-on commuter ferry. It is beautiful there. What an adventure he is having.

  6. Nikki Maxwell

    Oh lovely lass, you do what you can with the best will in the world.
    And because of that and also in spite of that- it will be brilliant xx

  7. Chris Wittmann

    My roses will be in bloom soon, mostly white roses though as the red ones died back too much, probably due to my pruning them in the Fall which I knew I was not supposed to do. I’ll have to see how many petals I can dry. They’re very fragrant as they’re heirloom roses. I’ve even made rose petal wine from some of them in the past. What’s new? Well with hubby’s illness it’s been a bizarre Spring. He starts chemotherapy next week. I’m horribly behind in garden work and haven’t made soap in ages.. may not even have much of a garden this year but his health must take preference now.

  8. Chris Wittmann

    Speaking of health I meant to send well wishes to you Corey…being sick in bed is no fun, especially this time of year. Do take care of yourself and get well soon! You’ll need your strength for the wedding!

  9. Ah that thought counts a lot! Thank you for trying, mine do not look nearly as nice as Martine’s! I will put hers on top and your thoughts too xx

  10. Teddee Grace

    Why is July bad for your nieces?
    My niece lived in Seattle, and still works there, for years. I’ve asked her if she has any recommendations about those neighborhoods and will pass them on if she does.

  11. Thank you Teddee I appreciate it. July isn’t bad, two of my nieces have summer jobs, the others have committments. The wedding was planned after I had bought the tickets.

  12. I will being praying for your husband healing, and with him in spirit as he starts Chemo. xxxx

  13. The only flowers in my garden are white: Darn, I just dead headed the roses. I will try and save/dry them and pass them on to Sacha so maybe he could bring them home with him.
    Hope you feel better!!

  14. Chris Wittmann

    Thanks Corey, we both appreciate your prayers 🙂

  15. Karen from OHIO

    the sweetest gesture-friends drying petals for the wedding! May u receive basketfuls!!!

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