Binding Love



My beautiful nieces. How can I be this happy? This lucky? To have a family that is loving by action, authentic, who think of others before themselves? When I think about their going home it stirs that within me that wonders why did I ever leave home? Why did I leave all that goodness? Yes I know why… love has a price, Yann led me and I love my life in France. It isn’t a real question but more of a reflection on where our paths lead and how love is vast and complicated and richly beautiful, and can lead us to the unknown.

My nieces wanted to go to Notre Dame. We went inside and prayed. The evident gift of faith, to love one another, to care for one another, to see family as not just those near and connected to us. But that WE are all ONE FAMILY.

Praying that love binds us as one.


12 responses to “Binding Love”

  1. A most beautiful posting.
    Love to you all.
    You are truly blessed.
    Love Jeanne

  2. Diogenes

    Lovely post. Glad your nieces have enjoyed their stay.

  3. So dear! They will never forget their time with Auntie Coco what a gift you gave all of you! Love you special lady! xoxo, Gina

  4. Jan D-M

    We certainly need more love in the world. xoxo

  5. Jacklynn Lantry


  6. Ann of Avondale

    Lovely young ladies. Hopefully in the future they will return and make it a regular pilgrimage.

  7. Marilyn

    Beautiful! How lovely to have these girls in your life.

  8. Leslie in Oregon

    Thank you, Corey, for yet another entirely uplifting post. You and your California/France family are a wonderful example of what family can be. I so appreciate all you share with your blog readers.

  9. MERCI chère Corey! que la vie nous guide avec amour, compréhension, compassion, joie, et gratitude.
    j ´apprécie tes mots et ton énergie affectueuse!
    Tina XX

  10. Beautiful post.

  11. Family is everything! Your posts show this daily. Your loving nieces are beautiful young women. Thank you for sharing this travel experience with us. Seeing them explore and experience France with you has been delightful and extraordinary.

  12. Christine Harris

    So beautifully said. A lovely example of remaining connected to those we love even when there are miles between. I also just posted about this, although not quite as eloquent, as I’m about to move away from my family. I think it’s similar to what we tell young mothers, that you have to take care of yourself first so you can be a better mother. We must live an authentic life so we have more to contribute to our relationships. And look at the experience you are giving your nieces. Priceless!

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