Rose and Lavender Toss



Three French antique straw chicken basket feeders were filled to the brim of dried rose petals and lavender gathered by Martina (from Seattle) and myself. We gathered the flowers and dried them from late April until July. The divine scent added to the ambiance, the wedding guest took a generous handful. 





Annie's rose petals were mixed with mine.





Joy over flow.







Petals 3
Petals 3



Petals 3





The bottom of Chelsea's wedding dress carried the aftermath of the downpour of petals.







rose petal toss




20 responses to “Rose and Lavender Toss”

  1. How special to have Annie there in this way.

  2. Ed in Willows

    I just noticed the giant front doors on the church. I love the details of the hinges and locks on the inside behind Yann and Chelsea. Deb and I loved watching the wedding together that evening when I got home from work. Too bad Facebook can do sub titles.

  3. Kathie B

    Off-topic: Did you all (including your visiting American relatives) get to watch France-Belgium yesterday? World Cup is so much bigger, and less over-the-top, than the Super Bowl! I’d have loved to have been in a café there watching with French patrons.

  4. Wisps of Words

    Does everyone know, that if you click on each photo, it will enlarge?
    And some, if clicked on twice, will enlarge more?

  5. Wisps of Words

    Chelsea asked for flower petals…
    You and Martina (from Seattle), gathered them…

  6. Wisps of Words

    And I love, love, love your Mother’s hair!!!

  7. Wisps of Words

    And I will repeat, the below, because it’s so delightful, I want all to know it. :-)))))))
    Does everyone know, that if you click on each photo, it will enlarge?
    And some, if clicked on twice, will enlarge more?

  8. Martina

    The photos are such a joy. My heart is smiling, so happy!

  9. Diogenes

    Glad you explained – I thought at first the petals at the bottom of Chelsea’s dress were a pattern. Love the pictures of Chelsea nd Martin with all the petals in the air!

  10. Chris Wittmann

    Fabulous photos, what a crowd! Love that we can click on the photos and enlarge them.

  11. Just wonderful!

  12. Jacklynn Lantry

    I love that you had Annie’s rose petals:)

  13. Marilyn M

    All so beautiful. Thank you for sharing

  14. LeighNZ

    Love the photo of you kissing Chelsea XX

  15. TerriNTexas

    How beautiful. Rose petals and lavender must have smelled so nice. Great idea, and to have Annie’s also. Lovely day.

  16. How delightful to have dried rose and lavender petals tossed over the happy couple. Such a nice touch. Memories made forever. Another princess moment for Chelsea. Corey, the details you have added to this wedding are superb.

  17. Marilyn

    Watching the wedding live I was so thrilled when the rose petals/lavender came out. What a wonderful idea, I loved it soooooo much. And now to know that Annie’s rose petals were part of the mix, I am thrilled with the thought of her presence in the rose petals.

  18. thank you for letting us know. In the past it seems Corey’s photos did not enlarge. I’m glad they do now! <3

  19. Thanks so much for sharing, it’s been fabulous to see all the photos.

  20. What a joyful, loving day…my congratulations to all! She made one gorgeous bride! So happy for everyone.👏❤️🌹🥂
    Fondly, Bobbie

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