Lined up along the entrance of the Mas in Provence the Plaintain have stood for over a hundred years, giving shade in the warm summer days and a stage for the cicadas to sing. This afternoon I had the pleasure of meeting new friends and sharing lunch in their beautiful spot.
The road leading to the Mas is surrounded by sunflower fields, when I arrived I felt that this place was literally a slice of heaven.
Blue and yellow, the heart of Provence during summer time.
I wish I could share every inch, detail, whimsy, elegance, corner, nook, and soul of this incredible place. As it is private I cannot, but how I wish I could.
Instead, close your eyes and imagine the heart of Provence the warm summer days, the striking blue sky that has lured painters to speak about the light with their paintbrushes. Imagine fields as far as you can see with sunflowers bowing their heads, and the majestic Plantain leaves fanning you to sleep. In your dreams go back in time as you enter the Mas surrender to the beauty, history, and art leading you deeper into a graceful way of living.
I was overtaken by its spirit.
Thank you J. and D.
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