The Colors of Living Abroad

Apricots, French la Vie, Corey Amaro



Avignon from the train, French la Vie, Corey Amaro




Colors of France, French la Vie, Corey Amaro






Baguettes, Colors of France, French la Vie, Corey Amaro

Rich is the flavor that has touched my life in France.

Every sense has been saturated, from taste to touch, sight to sound, sweetly combine with sound.

If I could change one thing about living in France it would be that my family lived next door. I will always miss them, and only a spiritual love can make up for that sense of loss.

With Sacha living in Seattle, I am reminded of the distance even more, and it was already enough. Also the other day a young man from my hometown came to live in France. A few years ago he met a French woman who was living in California, they fell in love and she wanted to return to France, so he followed her. He does not speak French, though is in the process of learning. We have many similarities, and they came to the surface when I met him in Cassis with his Mom who came to visit him. His Mom (someone I went to high school with) spoke the same things my Mom use to speak when I first left that I am speaking now that Sacha has left: Sadness, happiness, emptiness, fullness the gamut that families feel when they are separated.

Rich is the flavor that has touched my life in France: Sweet, sensual, solid, with a few lumps that add to the texture that comes with daily life. But as in everything in life, it comes with a price.

Thankfully, love the big spoon of giving and receiving stirs it gently.

Stirring gently these days.

_ _ _

What is stirring you these days?



7 responses to “The Colors of Living Abroad”

  1. corey I love when you ask questions of us the readers….it is a chance to open up to one another and to get a feel for the people who pop in who read and comment….the personalities of those present….I really look forward to the responses too-I don’t really know what is stirring me right now more like putting out fires-small fires but fires none the less so in a less than peaceful place-

  2. That is a very good question, one I need to think on. The word “adventure” has been coming more and more to mind; but not sure yet what or where that will take me. Oh my heart wants to wander.
    It would be indeed hard to be far from family. I can’t even imagine, but your words say it well.

  3. Corey, I really enjoy your writing – you have have a gift for putting down interesting thoughts and ideas.
    I’m going to be a bad guy about today’s post, however, and I hope you don’t mind. Regarding the sentence with the word “gambit.” I believe the word you want is “gamut” – “the complete range or scope of something.” A gambit is “an act or remark that is calculated to gain an advantage, especially at the outset of a situation.”
    And to answer the question, what has been stirring me lately is just how wonderful living in France is!

  4. Corey the photos on the post are amazing, especially #1 and #3. How ironic that a young man from Willows is following in your footsteps! You’ll be able to watch his French language skills blossom. I hope Sacha is enjoying Seattle, just a jump away from Victoria BC.

  5. Tongue in Cheek

    Thank you for your kind correction. xx

  6. Here is what is stirring me; four weeks until we leave for France. I’m starting to get excited….

  7. Giving. Wailing. Getting off the floor. Maybe a little social contact.
    These are the things stirring me.

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