The Prayer Booklet

Je te benis


Je te bénis.

Words that were written in an old French prayer journal I found at the brocante.

Someone's hopes, dreams, thoughts, worries written down in prayer. Page after page. Someone's grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, cousin, friend, child-

How could it be given away?

How I would love to have a collection of prayers from my great grandmothers.

Reading the journal I saw that her hopes, dreams, thoughts, worries were not much different than my own. Hopes of happiness, dreams of the future, thoughts of my family, worries concerning others and those things we need to work on to be better.

The voices in prayer, those of the past, present and to come like a thread weaving the cloth as one, mending the tears, connecting one piece to another, creating a blanket to climb under and keep warm. And to spread out like a picnic blanket to nurture one another, and to wave high as a banner of for each other to see.

Are we each other's prayers?

Je te bénis, "I bless you" in French. You bless me. May we bless one another in our hopes, dreams, thoughts, and share each other's burdens.


7 responses to “The Prayer Booklet”

  1. Blessings received here daily.
    Is blessing part of FH’s name? Or does it not work that way?

  2. Mais oui and merci😘

  3. Sharing burdens does make it easier to cope and carry on….

  4. If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart
    When prayers go up, blessings come down.

  5. Bless you for sharing these thoughts that both challenge & comfort us – your readers.

  6. Sharon CrigSt

    Thank you and bless you and your family, Corey❣️

  7. Beautiful post….you have the most amazing way of putting thoughts and emotions into words….what a wonderful gift! Thank you again for sharing!

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