I Was Born to do This

Joan of arc


Reading about Joan of Arc, such courage and faith she had in what she believed was right and her duty. As she was burned at the stake she said, « Hold thé cross high so I may see it through the flames » Damn that was one very brave woman. I do not have that sort of courage, but I admire those who do.

In her words:

"Children say that people are hung sometimes for speaking the truth. I am not afraid; I was born to do this"

To hear our calling, to trust what we believe and to follow it with certainty no matter the cost.




5 responses to “I Was Born to do This”

  1. Jacklynn Lantry

    Like the new NIKE advertising campaign. I don’t have that kind of courage either. But I did buy NIKE stock in support.

  2. Julie Loeschke

    She is my patron.

  3. Ardi Butler

    In these times, her words speak truth, her courage is a beacon for those of us who need to follow the light.

  4. AAH yes, Joan of Arc,captured my heart at a young age in a film with Ingrid Bergman. I must have been less than ten when I saw that movie and was mesmerized. I’ve been fascinated ever since and always take note when coming across her statue. Many in France and one very nice one in New Orleans, USA. Corey when the rubber hits the road you might be surprised at how courageous you are. I think people who have a strong sense of what they are about discover how that courage rises when the situation presents itself. God forbid the situation would involve being burned at the stake or any of the other horrid executions done in the name of GOD.

  5. Sharon CrigSt

    Beautiful post…well said words and encouragement by Joan of Arc. ❤️

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