Where to Send Donations to #campfire



Where to donate for #campfire 

Donations for Paradise, and how to help.




5 responses to “Where to Send Donations to #campfire”

  1. Dear Corey, It’s terrible all these wildfires…. I am affected by the Woolsey fire in Westlake Village/Thousand Oaks area. Being in France (Marseille) because of my mother’s health issues, I was checking every minutes with friends over there and on the internet if our house was safe. Hopefully it is but still under mandatory evacuations. Hope your family and relatives are ok.
    Catherine (we met few years ago at Marseille Airport luggage pick up …)

  2. My sweet Aunt lost her home in Paradise – everything is gone – our family will be busy trying to at least recreate family photos for her. She is devastated to say the least. So sad all of this – it’s so late in the year for fires to start up – you just never know.

  3. Tongue in Cheek

    Hello Catherine, I am sorry to hear about your mother and home. I hope you will have reassuring news soon and that your mother’s health improves. xoxox

  4. Tongue in Cheek

    Oh Rhonda, how terribly sad. I cannot imagine losing everything plus losing the community as well. I am glad she has you to show her support and courage xxx

  5. I have three friends that have lost their homes, plus one of them also lost his tea farm. Then miraculously my cousin’s home still stand with everything around her burnt to the ground. It is so very sad. Thanks, Corey, for the link for donations. I know the the tea farmer has many tea people around the world running small fund raisers too.

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