Writing a blog starts with a theme, and usually, that theme has to do with a person's interest or passion, such as food, family, crafts, politics, social awareness, style, or a knowledge regarding a certain area of expertise. Blogging is vast and takes on many subjects, some bloggers blog with a goal in mind whether for their business, pleasure or a way to keep in touch with family and friends. Blogging is journalling, it can be personal, it can be deep, lighthearted, carefree, connected, challenging… blogging is usually one person's voice as she or he feels comfortable in sharing online.
When I started a blog over thirteen years ago it was to share about my life in France with my French Husband, and two children, about brocanting, spiritual reflections, recipes, photography… a hodgepodge of whatever was on my mind. As the years went on I just kept doing more or less the same thing without focusing on a goal other than to be myself. Blogging opened up a world of friendships that I hold dear, plus I created an antique business, started freelancing for magazines, and ventured into sharing Provence with small groups… Blogging has given me many avenues to express myself and I am grateful every day for it.
Lately, I have received emails regarding questions about politics, and as much as I like talking about politics in person, I do not feel comfortable doing so on my blog. Occasionally, I have hinted about politics about where I stand, but it is not a direction that I want to familiarize my blog with. If I start putting politics into my blog it might not end, it might change the feeling of my blog and readers, it might open Pandora's Box and lead in a direction that I am not willing to go with this blog as it is. With that said, I would encourage anyone who is curious about what is going on in the world to read a variety of news reports, to listen and share with others who want to do so online or in person.
I am open to ideas, your thoughts and feedback, blogging is not a one-way street. Why do you read my blog? Is there something you would like me to dive into deeper or talk less about? Though if it is to talk about politics I honestly do not want to share about that here.
Thank you for being part of my world, and with your comments and emails thank you for letting me into your world.
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