Month: January 2019
The Incognito Kitchen Man
Standing outside the Cassis Home I waited for the kitchen cabinet maker to arrive he was running late, I rubbed my hands together wishing I had worn gloves. While I waited I saw a truck not too far…
Chapters of Motherhood
Looking across the table Chelsea and Sacha sat talking to Yann. I thought, "They are grown up, they are adults, they are no longer children." For the first time, I saw my children as adults. It was…
How French Women Don’t Get Fat According to a Song
While having dinner with our friends from the States I asked French Husband to put some music on so he connected his favorite channel and Charlie Brown's theme song came on. Giggling I said, "Oh that is a…
Sacha’s Italian Friend Elena
If you were to meet a young artist, a portrait painter who lived in Verona, Italy, and if you were into filming… *Elenacarta on instagram
Happily Stuffed Piglets
Chelsea and Sacha during lunch. Sacha bought a beret at Maison d'Emperuer to take back to Seattle, he said, "I am French so I should show it." Chelsea waiting for Martin to join…
Trying to Pretend They are a Rembrandt Painting
Sacha, his childhood friend and like a son Fabrice, his girlfriend Emily, Chelsea and Martin. With Yann as the photo painter trying to be a Rembrandt painting.