A glorious winter morning, crisp clear, sunny we did not need a coat while sitting at an outdoor cafe along the port with a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice and a croissant. A Wannabe Friend came along with soulful eyes that spoke gently without saying a word. I smirked, not in a mean way, but as to say, "Out of all the people in the cafe you came by me?". My friend that understands dogs whispered, "He wants a bite of your croissant, he is an old dog you needn't be afraid." The Wannabe Friend kept looking at me, even when his Master called him.
"How do I give him a bite without him biting me? Why doesn't he beg his Master?". I pondered but my friend simply said, "The dog knows his Master won't give him a bite." I smiled at the Wannabe Friend, I smiled, "Oh Dog you are asking the wrong person, I am scared of you.". But as I uttered those words I knew I wasn't scared I just did not know what to do. I felt I had redeemed my bad experience last week by being there without freaking out. So I ate my croissant slowly and only glanced at my Wannabe Friend when my mouth wasn't full, smiling sheepishly. After a while, I slowly reached for my camera to take a photo, (that was close to climbing Mount Everest I tell you, I had to let go of fear and just do it!) to show you how close he was, we both were sweetly composed.
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