You Never Know When a Moment Can Make up for Another Moment



A glorious winter morning, crisp clear, sunny we did not need a coat while sitting at an outdoor cafe along the port with a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice and a croissant. A Wannabe Friend came along with soulful eyes that spoke gently without saying a word. I smirked, not in a mean way, but as to say, "Out of all the people in the cafe you came by me?". My friend that understands dogs whispered, "He wants a bite of your croissant, he is an old dog you needn't be afraid." The Wannabe Friend kept looking at me, even when his Master called him.

"How do I give him a bite without him biting me? Why doesn't he beg his Master?". I pondered but my friend simply said, "The dog knows his Master won't give him a bite." I smiled at the Wannabe Friend, I smiled, "Oh Dog you are asking the wrong person, I am scared of you.". But as I uttered those words I knew I wasn't scared I just did not know what to do. I felt I had redeemed my bad experience last week by being there without freaking out. So I ate my croissant slowly and only glanced at my Wannabe Friend when my mouth wasn't full, smiling sheepishly. After a while, I slowly reached for my camera to take a photo, (that was close to climbing Mount Everest I tell you, I had to let go of fear and just do it!) to show you how close he was, we both were sweetly composed.


16 responses to “You Never Know When a Moment Can Make up for Another Moment”

  1. You were brave.
    Do you recall what caused your fear of dogs?

  2. Well done!


    Bravissimo chère Corey, well done!!!!!!!quelle belle expérience 🙂
    Mes amitiés, Tina XX

  4. Perfect decision, and sweetly composed, Corey! Enjoy your winter warmth.

  5. Hello Corey, and Bonne Année!
    I, too, spent the day outside in the garden. Even in Paris, the weather was fine; cool and crisp.
    I’m happy to see that you’re overcoming your fear of dogs, for they can be wonderful friends.

  6. Chrisophe

    Probably a wise thing not to have given the dog some of your croissant, for two reasons. One, he for sure would remember you the next time he saw you, and would want another bite, and two, some people don’t like it when someone gives food to their dogs.
    But getting the dog’s photo was a good step in working to overcome your fear of dogs. They’re hard to avoid in France!

  7. Fabulous and I am so proud of you
    Much love

  8. Sarah Desmarais

    baby steps!! GOOD for YOU! xo

  9. Good for you and you got a great photo!

  10. But did he get the bite of croissant?

  11. Oh Corey..bravo this is huge! Baby steps. And as a dog lover who can’t imagine not having a dog in my life this wannabe friend looks like a sweet old soul.

  12. Brave girl! He knew you!

  13. Andrea Hames


  14. Sharon Crigger-Stokan

    Those eyes! Maybe he knew you needed to be stretched… And you passed by taking a great picture of him! 😍 Hope he got a bite…maybe from your friend?😉

  15. Brava!

  16. Thank you for sharing a photo of this sweet old dog, with its irresistible eyes! A safe way to give a dog a treat: turn your hand palm up, fingers together. Place a piece of treat on your flat palm and slowly move your hand down with your offering. The dog will gently take the treat with his tongue… and wait for more.

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