Sacha Hits the Slopes

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6 responses to “Sacha Hits the Slopes”

  1. Diogenes

    I had to Google Alpental. At first I thought Sacha was at Whistler. The snow must be great because the west coast has had buckets of rain this month!

  2. Leslie in Oregon

    Seattle and the Cascade Mountains (in Washington and Oregon) have had record snowfalls this winter. We in Portland are envious and happy for Sacha! Two wonderful French athletes-artists romping over the snows of the U.S. West: Sacha skiing in Washington and Jean-Marc Espinasse (spouse of Kristin) snowboarding in Colorado!

  3. As a non-skier who is terrified of heights, that warning seals the deal. I’m staying on solid Mid-west, flat, soil.

  4. Wendy in Kennewick

    Where is his helmet!!!!!!!!?

  5. Teddee Grace

    I hope Sacha, and everyone playing in the snow this spring, is wearing an avalanche pack! We are having historic avalanches in Colorado and it probably is only going to get worse with the heavy snows layered with ice and I think they’ve even have had more snow and more precarious conditions on the West Coast.

  6. Yay Alpental! This is where my three learned to ski and now they can ski practically anywhere as Alpental has some very challenging runs and backcountry. But not to go in the backcountry this year as high avalanche danger. Glad to see Sasha finding all the PNW has to offer.

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