Scrap Jars Just Another Way of Saying Scrapbook




The little things I have collected that have no real value on their own, due to a chip, crack or a tear instead of throwing the defaulted bits and pieces away, or disregarding them to a chest of drawers never to be seen again instead I have collected these fragments in apothecary jars. Creating, "scrapbooks or "scrap jars".

No need to turn the page to see what is next in the scrapbook instead all I need to do is turn the jars around.



Do you have scrapbooks? Of junk drawers as my mother calls them?


5 responses to “Scrap Jars Just Another Way of Saying Scrapbook”

  1. Bonjour. You’re up early!
    My favorite flower is violette, and my lawn is covered. When I open the kitchen door, the fragrance comes right into the house. I’m going to make a batch of sugared violettes today, which is why I to, am up early. Bon Dimanche

  2. I love bits and pieces! How I would love to get my hands on one of your “scrap jars”!

  3. I didn’t see this post YES I DO-jars like you….well used candle jars I have metal collections, paper, religious and bits and bobs-anything that strikes my fancy to keep-I do not have scrapbooks-but I do have junk drawers-1 like a catch all-

  4. Sandy Thomas

    Favorite flower is Lilac. Have several varieties growing along my driveway and each day as I leave or come home I bathe in their lovely scent. Love the idea of scrap jars. Never thought of it. Will be creating some of my own. Thank you for the great idea!

  5. I love the jar idea. I think I need to gather my scraps and put them in a jar.

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